55. You are a thoughtful girl

After making up his mind, Ye Fei felt a lot more relaxed and started talking and laughing with Ye Yunqi again. Seeing that her beloved brother seemed to be happy again.

Ye Yunqi was also very happy and even her steps became lighter. The poor girl didn't know yet that she, who was so pure, might be eaten tonight, but even if she knew, she would probably be even happier.

When she returned to the classroom and saw Lin Ling, Ye Yunqi felt a little embarrassed. Although she and Ye Fei loved each other, she was still stealing someone else's man, or dividing someone else's man. This made her feel the same kind of panic when facing Lin Ling as when a concubine faces the wife.

Even though Ye Yunqi would never separate from Ye Fei even if Lin Ling disagreed, she wanted a happy ending for everyone, so she thought it necessary for her to find out what Lin Ling thought.