86 Acting

It would be fine if Ye Yunqi treated him well, after all, they were twin brother and sister. But the aunts in the family, each more beautiful than the other, also loved him very much, but were lukewarm or even indifferent towards himself.

Even his sister Ye Siwen, who he had watched grow up, was much closer to him than to himself. Although he was just an adopted child by his father, he had always behaved much better than Ye Fei, that loser, okay?

However, Ye Yu's jealousy was only temporary. Thinking of his plan that would be implemented in the near future, he became happy again.

By then, he would have complete control over both the Liu and Ye families. Then, these beauties, big and small, whom he had long coveted, and even the more outstanding beauties in the Liu family, wouldn't they all be his?

Ye Yu, who had regained his smile, waved to Ye Fei again, and Ye Fei followed him with a happy look.