192: The Final Ultimatum

Despite its limited use to him personally, Ye Fei couldn’t help but think of Li Yun and the toll his injuries had taken. If only he’d discovered this newfound ability sooner, Li Yun might have avoided much of his suffering.

Realizing it was already late, Ye Fei decided to return to base and discuss the situation with Liu Junyi. Based on his experiences so far, finding the enemy’s hideout was proving to be a difficult task, and he’d likely need her assistance once more.

When Ye Fei returned to the base, he noticed an unusual energy among the team. Curious, he approached a nearby member and asked, “What’s got everyone so excited?”

By now, Ye Fei’s reputation in the task force had grown significantly—rivaling Liu Junyi’s own status. Though both had earned admiration, his display of strength resonated strongly among the members. While he found it amusing, he was grateful they continued to respect Liu Junyi, which kept the admiration from turning into competition.