In the middle of the deep dark sea on a small rocky island, a little boy named Kevin Moore enjoyed his own company, laying down on his stomach, scratching a sea shell onto a small rock in his hand.

Absent minded about the surrounding, deeply drawned in what he was doing, from a distance within the water popped out an enormous electric eel, tens of times bigger than him.

With its elongated snakelike body and excessively smooth slimy skin which lacked pelvic fins, slowly, like a soldier with a weapon crawling on the ground towards an enemy, it flicked its tail and propelled through the water, moving towards his direction.

Not aware of what was coming his way, busy little Kevin got up from his stomach and sat. At that particular juncture, only his little mind had the idea of, what on planet he was trying to come up with, out of the small rock he was scratching with a sea shell.

When the gigantic electronic eel approached so close to him, it jumped its massive body out of the water and fell right back in, "bang", producing a very loud impact which caused a huge water splash allover the place.

Startledly, "Who does that to a friend!" Little Kevin cried out loud in wonder, raising his eyes up quick, direct to the water to find out the cause of a distraction.

Unprepared for the shocking surprise, "wow!" On a flock of gigantic electric eels, scattered everywhere around on top of the water, little Kevin landed his eyes.

It was magical in the twilight, the light from the sky between sunset and full night.

However, an electric eel which pulled Kevin's attention more had a young one right by its side which was heavily injured on its smooth skin, causing it immense pain and suffering. Kevin noticed. Without a second thought, he rushed to it's aid.

Little Kevin had a unique gift _ he could magically heal all sorts of injuries and diseases. And with a special bond he had with all water creatures, it made easy to approach them. With his gentle touch and calm presence, a radiation of blue heat waves appeared out of his palm and nursed the young eel back to health. All the injuries disappeared.

As he was still smiling upon his good deed, suddenly a female voice called his name from a distance.

"Moore....!" Loudly, the voice echoed his name once again.

As soon as his ears picked the voice, he dropped both the piece of rock and a shell in his hand and ran so fast into an ancient cave which was nearby, to respond to the call.

In a small pond within the cave, there relaxed a purely white haired beautiful young woman named Meg, whose pink eyes and flash skin gave her a unique appearance, far different from that of a normal human being.

"Am here mom!" Little Kevin reported, immediately he appeared infront of his mother.

"Kevin! It's wonder I had to call your name more than once! Where have you been at?" With a smooth charming voice, Meg spoke out of worry.

She then smiled a welcome, "come on here...," and opened her arms to warmly recieve him.

The joy Meg felt as her son walked to meet her was so devine.

Allover a sudden, Kevin dodged his mother's open arms and jumped into the water pond instead.

"Oh, you... Can't do that to me!"

Kevin dived under the water and Meg dived too, going after him. Deep in the water pond they channeled and joined the deepest waters of the sea.

As they delved deeper to the bottom levels, Meg, with her amazingly long pink glowing fish tail which proved her to be a mermaid, enjoyed watching her son Kevin, propelling his blue fish tail which confirmed him to be a merman, but a little one.

Freely, they went ahead to collect different comestibles which included small sea plants, eating them to nourish their beautiful bodies.

With gills which formed behind their human like ears they breathe, and through voice vibrations they talked respectively under water.

"Careful mom! a Monster shark is striking from behind you!"

Meg's eyes became wide with a fright. She screamed and turned so fast, only to see a group of tiny zebra fish enjoying their own life.

"Seriously Kevin! Is that funny to you?"

Kevin smiled away playfully and Meg embarked on chasing him all around the place.

"I gave you my natural powers, remember _ and now, because of you I can narrowly bond with those enormous creatures!"

"You must stop taking advantage of my weaknesses!" She kept throwing words at him as they played around the place.

Happiness was obviously the kind of life Meg and her son Kevin Moore enjoyed many miles away, in the middle of the black sea.

The land of ice

On an ornate frozen land in the middle of nowhere, a flock of enormous vampire bats flapped under the full moon, swiftly in one specific direction.

When these creatures reached at certain point of location, they shot to the ground with the help of their wide wings, which formed from four elongated digits of their forelimbs. Their adequate visual ability together with echolocation played a big role as they landed safely on the ground.

In the midst of stepping on the frozen ground, one after the other, these six vampire bats transformed into humans, who were smartly dressed in fine black outfits with long black gowns which swang on their backs.

On their pale faces were very dark eyes, which lacked a white part in them.

On snow white soils, amidst falling snow, these vampires hurried up towards wide castle gates seen ahead of them.

In honour, three mysterious ladies waited by the castle gates to recieved the awaited guests. Immediately these vampires approached, the women stomped the castle grounds in a hurry to lead them inside the castle.

In thousands, Vampires were already gothered under very high ceilings, inside a wide hall as they waited patiently on their feet.

As soon as the six board members entered the hall, before they took their respective seats, "there is fire on the mountain!" 'Jelly Spatters, head of the realm, loudly stated as he got up on his feet from the golden throne at the altar.

His energetic leadership voice reached every vampire in the hall.

After confirming that the six board members have comfortably taken their respective seats set on both sides next to the throne, the three mysterious women walked majestically and stood right, behind the precious golden throne.

Leadership in the realm was hereditary, and only the blood line known by their name Dirty Dracula, produced leaders. They had a very special ability of transforming into flying bats, which other vampires didn't have.

However, the family from which the king came held an extra ability surpassing all others, which was, to visualise incidents of the future before they happened _ hence Jelly Spatters to sit on the throne.

Him being the only vampire bat said to have remained in the Dirty Dracula lineage, Jelly Spatters held extrajudicial authority over all other vampire species. His decisions were final and no vampire opposed his authority.

"For decades," loudly spoke Jelly Spatters, "although, human blood is insatiable, we have chose to survive on wild life as the rules governing the kingdom stipulates."

"It is prohibited for any vampire to open up its sharp teeth on the neck vein of a human and enjoys a blood feast... and as we all know, an oath was taken between our ancestors and humans, never again to prey on them," he explained.

"Even in the hardest of times when the wild has nothing for us to feed on, and famine becomes the order of the day within the vampire realm, we swore to struggle with blood thirst to extinction, but never to take a bite on a human."

"Human blood is a weapon of mass destruction which can bring our species to extinction _ which I guess, all of us here know how."

He continued and said, "the penalty to whoever violates the rules is painful death by the red venom portion."

Red venom potion was a colourless liquid the Dirty Dracula vampire bats founded in ancient days when their blood accidentally mixed with Mercury, a mineral they discovered within the rocky mountains where they sheltered for years while they searched for a permanent place to call home, after vacating human cities.

The effects of red venom portion on vampires were terrifying in a way that, even its tiniest drop painfully melted down the vampire's body into dark oily substance _ hence made the first choice of weapon.

Ancestral vampires used the red venom portion liquid as a curse of punishment to any vampire which committed heavy crime against others in the realm. The punishment was usually served in public while all other vampires watched.

This was to impart fear in them, hence promoted peace and unity within.

Jelly Spatters continued to say, "humans built weapons and hunted down hundreds of us when they discovered about our existence. 'Enough is enough' was their motto after we had caused them extreme suffering. On a daily, over the news on streets, radios, TV and in papers was, relatives gone missing and relatives found dead with canine marks on necks _They where fade up!"

"Hesitantly, our ancestors had to vacate the beautiful human territories which served them endless warm blood meals for breakfast, lunch and supper, to find a safe heaven for you and I," aggresively, he walked from corner to corner and made it clear to thousands of vampires in the hall.

"Earlier today," he said, "as I relaxed my brain with both eyes closed here on my throne, I perceived a near future human massacre in the city called Capricon, by one of us."

[By who...?]

["It can't be...!"]


On confounded faces, murmurs filled the air from all corners in the audience.

"I for one didn't know Monica Yen, a wealthy young lady who has lived all her life in human cities, until this day when she appeared in my vision."

"How is it possible...?" "Unbelievable!" All vampires wondered.

"As of now," Jelly Spatters continued to say, "Monica Yen, one of our members, is villainous.

However, she is carrying twins daughters in her womb _ one of which is our species and the other one is a complete human being."

"Impossible...?" Whispers moved around the hall.

"Johnathan, a reckless human being married Monica Yen. At the age of six, while Jonathan was coming from school, he met five year Monica Yen stuck on the streets in Buena City. Since he had no friends, he chose to introduce her to his parents, who then raised her as their own daughter by that time."

"Monica Yen must be terminated immediately!" Loudly, one of the six board members spoke with a determined voice.

"Yes, give your orders....," in strong voices, other board members supported his point of view.

"No!" Jelly Spatters barked in refusal, "have you forgotten the rules? I'm disappointed you didn't pay attention when I was talking. I was loud and clear when I said one of the twins she's carrying in her womb is a human being!"

"We don't kill humans!" He angrily emphasized.

"In a few months from now, the twins will be born. We shall add more three years ahead just to allow the little human suck more of her mother's breasts _ and when the little human can fully survive on food, then Monica Yen can be terminated...

Right now we are going to plant a spy in Monica Yen's life who will kill the vampire child immediately she's born," Jelly Spatters, aggressively, put the last nail in the coffin.

Without wasting time, he walked back and sat on the golden throne. The three mysterious women, who were his mistresses at the sametime, stepped foward from behind the precious golden seat, cooperating as one, and began to feed him with a holly communion cup of blood.

However, at the back of Jelly Spatters' mind was a very selfish reason for killing Monica Yen and her vampire child other than the reason he gave in the vampire meeting.

Thank you reader