Chapter 86

For no matter what reason, Yan Zhaoge's Grand Master, the Heaven Equalling Yuan Zhengfeng, was currently still only a Martial Grandmaster.

Under him, Broad Creed Mountain's three most outstanding Martial Grandmasters were hailed as the Broad Creed Three Heroes.

First was Yan Zhaoge's eldest apprentice-uncle, the First Seat Elder of Broad Creed Mountain's Disciplinary Hall, the 'Iron Lion King' Shi Tie.

Next was Yan Zhaoge's second apprentice-uncle, the First Seat Elder of Broad Creed Mountain's Assignment Hall, 'Hidden Dragon' Fang Zhun.

Finally, there was Yan Zhaoge's father, Yuan Zhengfeng's Final Disciple, the current First Seat Elder of Broad Creed Mountain's Martial Inheritance Hall, Yan Di.

The four of them, coupled with the other experts of Broad Creed Mountain, meant that Broad Creed Mountain was actually superior to the Sacred Sun Clan in terms of the strength of their Martial Grandmasters.