Chapter 112

Just the Flowing Cloud Mirror coupled together with the Blood Refining Orb naturally wasn't sufficient to produce a Blood Devil Plate.

However, with both main ingredients already available to him, if Yan Zhaoge wanted to forge a Blood Devil Plate, it would be much easier for him to do so.

Other than Flowing Cloud Mirrors, Yan Di had also brought back a large amount of Fire Patterned Jade from the Fire Domain for Yan Zhaoge, who felt very happy at this.

Mixing the Fire Patterned Jade with the Ice Dome Grease that was produced in the Heaven Domain to form a medicinal salve, Yan Zhaoge applied it on his own body.

Yan Zhaoge resembled a statue as he got into the meditative position and circulated his qi.

The medicinal salve gradually turned transparent as clouds of smoke were unceasingly absorbed by the pulsing acupoints of Yan Zhaoge's entire body.