Chapter 210

The Internal Crystal Furnace rumbled, overflowing with streams of light.

The furnace was actually circulating very slowly internally, enveloped by numerous clouds as it was impossible to clearly see what was happening within.

Yan Zhaoge appeared especially serious as he operated the Internal Crystal Furnace.

At the same time, he was also especially patient. He wanted to forge for himself a treasure purely created by him that stemmed completely from his intentions, compatible with his martial abilities.

Yan Zhaoge already had an idea of it within his heart, as he sought perfection as much as possible. This was not something that he could expect to complete in a single go.

Regarding this, Yan Zhaoge was neither panicked nor harried as in the midst of the forging process, he unceasingly fine-tuned and improved on his original thoughts based on the actual results seen.