The wind stopped blowing, and everything stood still. Yuuma was confused by the sudden change of the atmosphere, everywhere was pitch black like a heavy storm without a wind was coming. Darkness took over the human world, time stopped ticking nothing was moving, and everything hung in the air. The water Mr. Ruyoski was pouring into the cup hung in the air. Aruko and Neon stood still without making a move and because their bodies were that of humans, they stood still only their souls separated from their host. The soul separated from their bodies.
"My lord, what is happening," Aruko asked.
Yuuma ignored them and walked outside, he came out of the ward. Everything out stood still, the nurses and doctors standing motionless. Patients sitting down, with a little kid playing with a ball hanging in the air. Yuuma walked around confused by this sudden change, Neon and Aruko followed suit.