Being pretty had never been one of Sarah's problems. She had a good body and a cute face and knew how to use both to get what she wanted from men. She liked the stares and enjoyed teasing them. But she suffered from being shy and insecure which kept her from ever standing out. She didn't really fit in with most of the popular crowd at school. She could hang out with them and go to their parties. But they all came from wealth and privilege, while Sarah very much did not. They weren't poor, just not well off. That meant she didn't have the right clothes or the latest gadgets, the good makeup, or a decent car. These things all ran through her head every time she hung out with her circle of 'friends'. And that made her insecure.

Still her senior year had gotten off to a good start. Unlike all of the other seniors looking forward to far away and expensive colleges in the coming year, she knew her destiny would be the local community college, and she would likely have to live at home and commute to be able to afford it. She had good grades, so she had landed a great scholarship to go there. She wanted to get a degree in something to give her a real career. She didn't know what that would be yet having no idea what she wanted to do with her life, but at least she wouldn't let herself get stuck in a menial job like her parents.

Her father worked at a delivery company as a driver and then part time on the weekends doing landscaping or snow removal and her mother worked as a checkout clerk at a pharmacy a couple of miles away. They had always provided well for her, and she had everything she needed, but Sarah knew that her parents still lived hand to mouth most of the time. They struggled to make the mortgage payments for their tiny house situated on a major street that they had picked it to get into a good school district for Sarah.

Her parents would have very little extra money to help her out with college expenses. She longed with the thoughts of living in the dorm and getting the full college experience, but that just wasn't in the cards. As it was, she had to make most of her spending money babysitting in between studying to keep her grades up. That didn't leave a lot of time to socialize with her classmates. Or go on a lot of dates.

Most of her friends got generous allowances from their parents and their high school memories would be mostly of fun, dating, sex, getting drunk and high, and taking trips to the lake or to go skiing. The normal things for kids that were fortunate enough to have more professional and successful parents. Most of the time that suited Sarah fine. A loner at heart, she felt self-conscious of not measuring up to the other kids.

Having just gotten out of the shower to get ready to go to school, she looked at her naked body in her full-length mirror in her bedroom. She had a petite frame at 5'3", generally weighing between 105-110 pounds. Her dirty blond hair, tinged with a little strawberry red, hung down just below her shoulders, offsetting her pale skin and freckles. She hated the freckles as she felt like they made her appear even younger than her years. She had her eighteenth birthday coming up in about 4 weeks. But she had to admit that they did give her that cute girl-next-door look.

She didn't smile much, not liking her imperfect teeth. Luckily, they weren't too bad, but her parents hadn't had money for braces growing up. Her mother would roll her eyes when Sarah complained about them saying that she had a wonderful smile and that Sarah should be grateful God had blessed her so.

She liked to wear her hair in a pony to keep it out of her face, but she would always pull it out around her friends to try to look at least somewhat her age. She also thought having her hair down made her look sexier in a slightly mussed up way. She kept her belly flat and tone and she had a perfect little peach shaped ass with no cellulite or fat. She worked hard to keep both that way. She originally ran track for school, but had to give that up when she started to develop as the bouncing of her breasts made it uncomfortable and a distraction. She played a little softball, more for the comradery than to ever try to excel at it.

After the age of sixteen, she turned more to yoga and Pilates to keep her body tone and fit. It fit her style more anyway being an individual way to exercise rather than a team sport. She never worked to get bulging muscles wanting to look feminine, but she liked to be firm and defined.

Her best asset were her tits. And she knew it. She drew her hands up slowly and cupped her breasts, feeling them and appreciating them. She had been a bit of a late bloomer with her breasts not starting to develop until she had turned fourteen, but they had grown to a solid full B or small C cup. They were perky and perfectly proportioned in her opinion. She had large, bright pink areolas and nipples that, when aroused, stuck out at least a half an inch and got very hard.

She loved her nipples and pinched them a little as she caressed herself. Pinching them always sent direct electrical shocks to her pussy and clit. Rolling them between her fingers for just a few minutes made her pussy start to drip and quiver. And when they were sucked on or bitten lightly, she almost always moaned involuntarily. She just couldn't help herself. Even now standing in front of the mirror she crossed her legs and rotated her hips to try to rub the itch in her pussy caused by her nipples. She briefly thought about spreading her legs and taking care of that need, but a quick check of the clock told her she really had to finish getting ready for school.

She put on a fairly low cut V-neck top and a mid-length skirt over a lacy white bra and some simple white cotton panties. She always like to accentuate her breasts. She loved to see the looks on the male students and teachers faces. The white lace bra, being thin, let her nipples stand out during the day whenever she got a little aroused and they were instant magnets for anyone with a Y-chromosome. And being focused on her chest meant they weren't really looking at how plain and cheap her clothes really were.

At her core, she knew she might be considered a cock-tease. Her reward for being so blessed with her perfect tits. And it kept her near the popular crowd. The boys would talk to her so that they could drool as they snuck peeks down her shirt. And the girls could feel superior to poor little Sarah

in such drab clothing.