Played By Destiny

He once one a holder of a golden spoon but he never treated anyone unfairly. In fact, everyone called him a golden hearted Omega when he was Ricky. And to watch this youngsters acts like they are the owner of the world, Daveryl really can't understand.

Do they really think that, because their parents has money, they can do anything they want? "So stupid.." He mumbled.

"What?" His brows raised when he heard the professor asked.

" Oh! I'm sorry professor, I'm not talking about you." He gestures his hands while explaining.

The man stare at him seriously like he's trying to read his mind. Does he also noticed that he isn't what he used to be? Well, he can't hide that fact anymore, so he should just act normal.

"Professor! Are you certain that he really didn't cheat?" They both turned to Fidel when they heard him talking again.

It seems that the man is not convinced. So Daveryl has no choice but to stands up and said. "Why don't we have a duel? Quiz duel?" The doubt will never disappear if he won't do the right thing.

"What did you say?" Fidel looks furious. Is this the first time that someone challenged him? Or is the first time that someone tried to embarass him?

However, for Daveryl, it's not new anyway. Jobel's group, together with Fidel are always embarrassing him inside and out of the School Campus.

He glance at Jobel before answering. "Or what if, let's asked Mr. Lopez to join the fun? He is the top one of our class after all. So I'm sure, he will not reject my challenge, right?" Daveryl is also showing his fake smile in front of the two who couldn't believe what they've heard.

At first, Jobel didn't react, but after a few seconds, his shoulders moved. Until he bursts out laughing. Followed by Fidel who he think is just copying what Jobel is doing.

"I didn't hear it wrong, right professor? The loser of this class is challenging the top one? Seriously?" Jobel sneered at him before he stopped laughing.

"No, you heard it right, Jobel." The professor answered.

Why does he feels like, the professor is secretly humiliating him? Is he thinking that he bite what he couldn't eat? What a two faced man.

"Then let's do it! I can't wait to see who got the highest score." Jobel said while fixing his school uniform.

He maybe looks handsome because he got his face after his father. But, his cockiness and arrogance is way more obvious than his father. Daveryl smirk, he couldn't believe he once loved that kind of person.

"Then, let's do that. I just have one condition." He said after the short silence. "I want the other class to check the scores. And, let's do that outside the room."

He almost laugh when he saw his classmates make faces. Not because of their reaction but because, he knows what they're thinking.

"Fine. Let's do that. Just don't act like a victim afterwards." Jobel said before going out.

He shrugged and just followed him outside. The professor and their classmates followed them too. They even brought three chairs outside for them to seat.

"Then let's begin." The professor speaks. "I have the prepared quizzes for graduates here. Let's use this to test the knowledge of the three of you."

Daveryl didn't react and just bite the pen he is holding, while Jobel and Fidel both look at him to see his reaction.

"Before I distribute the papers, I would like to call the top three students of the highest level class."

One of their classmates run towards the highest level class. And when he returned, he is with the three top students. "I called you guys here to check the papers later. Don't worry, it's just for fun.. Nothing's serious.."

"Professor, who told you that it's for fun? We are fighting for our knowledge here, not to have fun like you just said." Daveryl cut off the professor's sentence without hesitation.

"Heh.. Daveryl, don't act so arrogant in front of our professor just because you once got the perfect score." Fidel is the one who talks. "Let's begin professor." He also said while smirking.

When the professor distributes the quiz papers, everyone started to feel excited. As well as the three top students who are staring at Daveryl.

No one dares to make noise, no one asked what is happening even the other professors who just passing by. And after 10 minutes, Daveryl once again bite his pen. It's the indication that his already finished answering.

He look at the two competitive competitors besides him. They are still answering but it didn't take long. The three scorer check their papers. Daveryl is just sitting elegantly while playing the pen in his fingers.

"I'm done checking." The student who is checking Fidel's paper said.

"Me too.." And so the one with Jobel's paper.

Everyone look at the student who have Daveryl's paper. He looks anxious and also sweating.

"What's wrong? Are you surprised for his lowest score?" Jobel asked while smirking.

"No.." The student answered.

Daveryl put his chin on his palm with his elbow is on the table. When the student who checked his paper look at him, he also look back. The man is not just anxious, but also shocked.

"Then, why don't we tell the score?" The professor speaks.

The students who are still waiting for the results excitedly clasped their hands.

"Fidel score, 51 out of 60." The top three said while holding Fidel's paper.

Their classmates gasped as Fidel sneered.

"Jobel score, 57 out of 60."

Daveryl heard the whoa sounds from their classmates together with the other who just watching.

"Daveryl score...." When the top two student paused, everyone look at him while he is looking at Daveryl.

"Say it!" The students shouted as they started murmuring too.

The top two students speaks again, but not to announce the score but to ask Daveryl. "In this score, why did you act like you don't know anything before?"

Everyone got confused. But Daveryl answered. "Because, I loved Jobel before. And I want him to get the spotlight." Well, that's a lie. The real Daveryl has no brain at all. But of course, he can't say that.

He also can't tell them that he is no longer the Daveryl they knew. That he is Ricky who got killed by his competitor's father and want to take revenge.

"You're stupid indeed." The top two student answered him but he just sneered and shrugged. Then the man smirked too. "Daveryl score, 60 out of 60. I think, you're in your right mind now? Did you bump your head to realized that he doesn't deserve your love?"

While everyone is silent. Daveryl and the top two student stare at each other. He then said, "Yes. You're right."

He indeed bumped his head and actually died. Then his soul exchanged with Ricky's. That's why he suddenly become a genius.

The top two student chuckled as he offered his hand for a shake. "My name is Lucas Prowels. You're Daveryl Ortega right? Let's be friends." He said.

Daveryl glance at the hand in front of him, he then smile. "Sure. No problem." He said while accepting it.

"T-thats impossible! How did he get the perfect score?!" Jobel shouted. He couldn't believe what he heard. Was it true? Daveryl acted like a loser because he doesn't want to steal the top title from him? It's no way, right?!

He look at the man who is looking so furious and disbelief. What a beautiful sight, he saw his enemy acting so stupid because he couldn't accept the fact that he lost to his rejected admirer.

"You heard him said it. Accept the fact that you lost to him. And I'm sure, your title is no longer safe in your hands Mr. Lopez." The top one student said while approaching them. "Hi! I'm Lander Dela Cruz.. and this is Kate Aurillo.. We also want to be your friend, Daveryl."

Daveryl accepted the handshakes and stood up too. "Let's go have snacks, my treat." He said before putting his hands on his pockets and turned away without looking back. He can't stay there any longer to hear Jobel's tantrums.

He heard Jobel calls him several times but he ignored it. "Where should we go?" He look at the three he just made friends with.

The three chuckled and pointed at one direction. "7/11." Kate answered.

"Tsk, 7/11 again?!" Lucas exclaimed..

The girl pouted her lips as she said, "but I want their drinks." The three boys Shooks their heads as they have no choice but to follow what the girl wants.

"By the way Daveryl, are you a Beta right? Me and Lander is an Alpha. We're not dominant but we're still an alpha." Lucas keeps talking. "And Kate is an Omega. But she's safe with us." He also added.

"Yeah... I'm a beta. So don't worry, I won't be affected with your pheromones." He answered.

"I was surprised when I heard your score man!" Lander said it.

They are currently crossing the road..

"Me too, I thought the are just bullying you again." Kate said.

Daveryl chuckled.. He glance at his right side when they reached the other side of the road. But he stopped when someone captured his vission. His throat dried up on the spot and his hands on his pockets, trembles. He feels the cold water poured on him as his heart is beating too fast.

"Ryl.. Daveryl.. Are you okay man?" Lucas tapped his shoulder to snapped out his thoughts.

He look at him and nodded. "Yeah.. I'm sorry, I just saw someone. Let's go?" He forced himself to smile as he followed the three.

"Mr.Ortega.. May I have a word with you?"

As if his soul left his body when he heard that voice. He gulped before turning around.

"Mr. Cedric Lopez, what's important matter that we should talk about?" Daveryl asked the man who is looking at him directly on his eyes.