The Overprotective Guardian

Everything he wishes in the car while on the road, rejected in an instant. Because the man who he doesn't want to meet at the moment, is sitting on his favorite sofa while reading his newspaper.

It's just that, when he entered, the man flinches and turned to look at him. His forehead is wrinkled as if he smells something unpleasant.

Daveryl gulped when Jaime stood up and approach him with his dangerous expression. "You arrived early today, Mr. Razo-ugh!"

His sentence has been cut off when the man suddenly grabbed his arms and pulled him closer to him.

"What the!" Daveryl wanted to shout out of surprise but he chose to shut his eyes close.


That deep and cold voice of Jaime gave him shivers. Gosh!! He's so scary! Help! Daveryl shouted in his mind.

"Y-yes?" He even stuttered when he answered.

He feels the gripping becomes tighter, so he let out a hsss sound. But the man seemed deaf. He didn't hear it.

"Did I forget to remind you today to do not let yourself to get close to alpha?!" Jaime's voice is loud and fucking clear.

They are living together in one roof for two weeks now, and that two weeks were very much great. And yes! This man keeps saying that he have to distance himself from alpha to avoid consequences.

"I- have a reason this time! It's just that, someone is in rut in school, so I helped him a bit. Nothing else happened than that, I swear!" He said.

The man gave him a dangerous look. "Nothing happened? Do you think I'm a dominant alpha with no reason?!" He said.

"But it's true! You can ask--ugh!"

To his surprise, Jaime pulled his collar and press the certain part on his neck.

"Then what the fuck is this?! A mosquito bite?!"

Oh god! He's angry! He's really angry.. But, Daveryl blinked. Weird, why does he feels happy for no reason. He's crazy.

"Well, that's my fault, I lowered my guard. When I was helping him, he nuzzled on my neck and bite me there. The driver also helped me." He tried to calm himself before saying that.

Jamie didn't answer and just look at him with angry expression. He understand that he is protecting him from dangerous alpha outside the house. But this kind of protection is too much. He's already an adult.

"Jamie, don't be too overprotective, I'm already 20 years old, and an adult. I know you're concerned about me but it's choking me." He said seriously.

He doesn't care if the man got angry at him, he needs to stop his doings. And most especially, it.. Affecting his.. hea..

"I promised your parents to take good care of you until you found your future wife, so I can't let you be with other alphas! You're a beta, you should be with another beta, and not with alpha!"

"But what if I'm interested with alphas? Do you still want to stop me by liking them?"


Geeezzz! Why does he have to be with this man! Really!


He look at the source of the sound. He saw George in a distance, clenching his chest as if he's in pain. Something's not right.

He look back at Jaime. If his instinct is correct then.. "Retract your pheromones, please.. You're affecting other alphas inside your house. I told you, I'm fine and nothing happened between me Jobel, I just helped him.."

His sentence got cut off when he saw George dropped on the floor. The hell?! Did this man emits his pheromones more?!

Out of frustration because Jaime doesn't want to listen, he grabbed his arms and pulled him up to the second floor. He then bring him to the man's room and pushed him to the bathroom. He grabbed the shower handle and spray him some waters.

"I told you to calm down!" He shouted.

The fuck?! He once was Ricky! Of course he knows how to get angry!

"How many times do I have to tell you, I just helped him! You don't need to be this overprotective! If you don't stop being like this, I have no choice then, I'll leave your house!"

Thank God! He's Ricky in his previous life. If not, he'll be trembling in fear now.

"What did you say?" Jaime asked with his deep and low voice.

"What now? I said, I didn't do anything except of helping him. Nothing more."

"You're going to leave?"

"Ah.. That.. Well, how can't I? You're protecting me too much. I'm adult now and..."

He paused, his hand is being grabbed suddenly. "And I know what is wrong and what is right, so you don't have to act like.. Ouch! Hey!"

When he opened his eyes, he's already underneath him. How? What happened? "Jaime..?" His heart even beating too fast.

"See? You said you know how to protect yourself from alphas, but, where are you right now?"

Daveryl gulped, is his vission playing tricks on him? In Jaime's eyes, he is certain, that is..

"If I heard you say you'll leave this place again, I'll punish you myself. So don't provoke me, Daveryl."

When Jaime withdrew himself from him, he still couldn't find his own words. Even he heard the loud bang of the closing door.

"What the hell just happened?" He mumbled.

When he went out of Jaime's room. He can't find him.

But he just get inside his own room and change his clothes. He look at his neck on the mirror and also feel irritated when he saw the obvious red mark on it.

He lays on his bed and shut his eyes closed. The image of Jaime above him replays on his mind. "Hah! Fuck!" He exclaimed.

He even kicked his his feet on the blanket. That eyes, that eyes is obviously telling him.. "I want to fuck you right now.."

"Damn it!" Daveryl throw his pillow out of irritation.

More than that, he's angry with himself.

Because, he's aroused.

He went back to his bathroom and take a bath again.

Evening came..

Daveryl is in the car with Jaime to attend Kate's birthday party at K&J hotel. Both of them didn't speaks and didn't even look at each other. A cold war or not, they just like that until they reached the venue.

Jaime went out first and he follow. Wearing white tuxedo with black lining. Jaime is really handsome, he's not even surprise if some omegas tried to flirt with him tonight.

On the other hand, Daveryl is wearing silver tuxedo that is similar to Jaime's. He can't deny the fact that the real Daveryl is also handsome, it's just that, he acted like an idiot.

"Oh my God! Is that Mr. Razon?"

He heard some guests exclaimed. He shookt his head and look around to find his friends.

"Mr. Razon, I'll look for my friends, may I.."

"Do as you please."

Eh? Seriously?! Is he still mad at him?! He make face and just left the angry man. He look for Lucas and Lander. Luckily, he didn't look for them for too long.

"Whoa! Man! You look like an alpha.."

"Shut up, Lucas, he looks like an Omega, not alpha." Lander interrupted Lucas from talking.

"You guys both shut up. Where's Kate, anyway?"

"We're also looking for her. I think she's still not out." Lucas answered.

They both just stands there and wait for Kate to come out, until something caught his attention.

He saw a woman walking towards Jaime with a glass of drinks on her hand. When Jaime look at her, he saw him paused for a second but still accept the offer.

Nothing is wrong except that, the woman is looks like Jobel.. No, rather, she looks like Cedric.

"I'm glad that I found you here Mr. Ortega."

Daveryl flinches and so he's friends. He turned around to see who that was.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw the man standing behind him, looks so elegant. He's old now but he still looks so handsome. Unfair, and it's so irritating. He feels a throbbing pain in his chest when he remember the day when they both are together.

"Mr. Cedric Lopez.. How may I help you?" He asked with formal voice.

"Please don't be on guard, I just look for you to say thank you for helping my son this afternoon" Cedric said while offering him a drink. "I hope you like this drink."

He look at it. He smile before accepting it. "Red wine, it's my favorite, thanks." He said. He tasted it so he didn't see how Cedric change his expression from normal to shock expression.

"What a coincidence, the person I loved once, love that wine too. It's just that, he died before I realized my feelings for him."

Daveryl feels like he's being squeezed by the heaven and earth. His whole body trembles as his throat dried up. He gulped the wine on the glass and turned around without saying goodbye to Cedric and even to his friends.