Ivan pov-
Ivan quickly chased after Jobel after he attacked the pheromones gland of the now unconscious Omega woman inside his bedroom. Even though he was still dizzy and shaking, he tried to stand up earlier and wrapped himself in a bathrobe that he just picked up somewhere.
He was halfway down the stairs when he saw his one and only Omega went out of the main door.
"Jobel wait! Come back here! Jobel! ugh!"
As he was running down the stairs, and he misstepped which caused him to slide down. His butler attended him quickly but his eyes were only focused on the back of the man who had completely left the house.
He was about to stand up again to chase the man, but his rut cycle attacked him again. His vision blurred as he fell to the floor. But before unconsciousness engulfed him, a single tear fell from his eyes as he mentioned the name of his one and only Omega.