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The only ones - Part 2

The Ultra family had been split apart into six different worlds within their Maniverse to explore and learn from their alternative lives in the Multiverse. The author had orchestrated this separation to reveal the true essence of power to them. Now, with each member of the Ultra family in a different world, the author enabled them to communicate every three minutes during their initial encounters for six consecutive days before gaining full access to their Ultra comms for communication.

"The countdown starts now, Ultra family," declared the author, whose presence couldn't be felt or seen but only heard. "You have seven days to fully embrace what has been given to you. Only when everything is complete shall you all return to your former glory."

The Multiverse is vast, with numerous worlds existing within and beyond the Maniverse. Each Maniverse contains 144,000 worlds, and these worlds are often referred to as verses. Furthermore, the Maniverse encompasses the Multiverse, Omniverse, Metaverse, Tetraverse, Ultraverse, Hyperverse, Outerverse, Megaverse, and so on.

In this particular universe, Ultra White Peter found himself in a different reality where he played the role of a bully. Tyson and Jerry, known as the Ultra Bros, were the revered heroes of Vill-City. They had acquired the powers of the Xentorium Core and were widely recognized as the protectors of Vill-City and Vill-City High.

The Ultra Bros dedicated themselves to safeguarding their world and universe from extraterrestrial threats. They were the powerhouses of this universe, defending it with their remarkable abilities. When Ultra White Peter's presence was detected, it caught the attention of the Ultra Bros, and they swiftly made their way to his location. However, things turned out to be quite different from what they had expected. Tyson had assumed his Ultra White transformation, while Jerry had taken on his Ultra Blue form.

"Who are you? Imposter," Ultra White Tyson demanded, scanning Ultra White Peter with suspicion.

"I am Ultra AI!" replied Ultra White Peter confidently.

"No kidding. I can see that you're one of us, Peter," Ultra White Tyson responded, realizing the truth. "But how did you acquire that form?" he asked curiously.

"You already know who I am!" Ultra White Peter remarked as his Ultra AI informed him of their Ultra communication.

"Yes, we do," replied Ultra White Tyson. He then invited Ultra White Peter to accompany them, and Peter agreed.

They made their way to the location of their fellow Ultra Bro, which was provided by Mr. Lyrecius Rich, the president of Vill-City. There, they engaged in a discussion about the multiverse and alternate realities that exist beyond their own. Fortunately, the Ultra Bros were well-versed in this aspect of alternate universes and were able to explain their roles to Ultra White Peter.

After transforming back to their human forms, Peter noticed a picture of Debbie and Tyson together. Observing their happiness, he took a moment to realize that Debbie was aware of his existence as Ultra AI.

"I never thought that out there in the multiverse, there would be versions of you guys as heroes," expressed Peter McCoy. "In my universe, Tyson and Jerry are the bullies."

"It's surprising, but in our universe, the Peter McCoy we know is the main bully," shared Jerry. "The rest of the McCoy family is exceptionally different and unique, with charming charisma unlike our Peter."

During their extensive discussion and comparisons of their respective universes, the Ultra Bros revealed how Debbie Rich came to fall in love with Tyson, who had saved the presidential family from a fatal incident. In their universe, Debbie worked as a reporter for the Vill-City magazine publishing and media house. Peter was fascinated by this revelation and wondered if there were other versions of himself across the Maniverses who lacked the Xentorium Core.

The Ultra Bros inquired about Peter McCoy's purpose for being there, and he explained his reasons to them. They understood his predicament and shared information about the author, emphasizing that while the author was the most powerful being in existence, there were others who could counter the author's influence. They described one such being as ineffable, as speaking his name would grant him immense power to wreak havoc upon the Maniverses. The Ultra Bros referred to this being as omnipotent.

"It is something beyond our level of power," Jerry remarked solemnly. "We were fortunate enough to deceive him and send him back to wherever he came from before he could unravel the secrets of the cosmos."

"No heroes or villains could defeat him, as our powers proved ineffective against him," added Tyson. "Only through our cunning were we barely able to trick him into leaving our universe."

Tyson and Jerry both struggled to describe the being's powers, finding them incomprehensible. They mentioned that he possessed the ability to transform animate beings into inanimate objects with a mere thought, almost rendering their Ultra AIs useless and ineffective. They described him as a childishly power-hungry being from a realm beyond creation, referring to his place of origin as the "Omnipotent Realm." However, they misspoke when they boasted that there was no one like him, as there were indeed others who were equally or even more powerful.

During their discussion, Peter learned about a cosmic threat seeking out other life in the Maniverse. In the midst of their conversation, Ultra White Peter suddenly vanished in the blink of an eye, transported to the past of Xenda. There, he witnessed the events before and after the War of Worlds and the destruction of Xenda, both within and outside the fabric of existence.

When Peter woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar, intricately designed place equipped with advanced technology far surpassing human capabilities. As the windows opened, he beheld the breathtaking view of Xenda. Flying transporters glided through the air, and strange figures, surpassing any extraterrestrial lifeforms, traversed both land and sea. Terrifying creatures, far more formidable than any found on Earth, Mars, or elsewhere in the cosmos, united together for a common purpose. Advanced superior robotics and androids stood guard, forming the backbone of Xenda's defenses.

Suddenly, Peter realized he was dressed in his uniform without his knowledge. "Hello, Peter McCoy," greeted an artificial intelligence voice. "Welcome to Xenda."

"You can see me?" Peter inquired, taken aback.

"Of course, I can, Peter McCoy," the AI replied.

Peter attempted to communicate with his AI, but received no response despite numerous attempts. Then, an AI in the form of a feminine figure approached him. She was more realistic and human-like than the others, revealing herself to be his Ultra AI.

"What?" Peter exclaimed in astonishment. "How is this possible? And why are you so incredibly beautiful?" he asked, bewildered.

Ultra AI chuckled and complimented Peter on his sense of humor. She explained that somehow they had ended up in the history of Xenda, and in this realm, no one would see his true appearance. Instead, he would appear differently to everyone else. She also informed him that she could only fully connect with him after he found the Xentorium Core memory from the past lives of Xenda.

"You will be able to perceive and interact with the world and its inhabitants," said Ultra AI. "But no one will see your true appearance, and your identity here is known as 'Aiwass.'"

"Ayawas?" Peter repeated, trying to process this new information.

"Never mind. Just stick with what I told you and remember the Xentorium Core memory," Ultra AI replied firmly. "One more thing, the language you speak will be understood by the people of Xenda as Xentorian language. It is a cosmic language, and you will also be able to understand Xentorian."

Peter McCoy began to communicate with his family, sharing a brief moment of connection for three minutes before the communication was cut off. As Peter continued his journey with Ultra AI, she reminded him that it was day two of their multiversal travel. While time in Xenda seemed endless, it held great significance for them as a means of safeguarding each Maniverse from cosmic threats. Xenda existed beyond the boundaries of time and space.

Accidentally, Peter stumbled upon an extraterrestrial street fight as he unknowingly stepped into the ring while attempting to get a closer view of the action. The participants were gambling with energy life support, cosmic minerals, and universal elements as their wagers. Bets were placed on Peter, pitting him against a larger, tougher, and ruthless opponent. The fight became a battle of knockouts or death, accompanied by primal and barbaric noises.

Turning to his Ultra AI, Peter sought assistance, but she regretfully informed him that she was unable to intervene, except with the knowledge stored in the Xentorium Core memory. Peter's opponent recognized him as "Aiwass," someone he used to work for as Pi-minus second assistant in advanced technology. The opponent perceived Aiwass as boastful, arrogant, and proud, often referring to himself as a tech god.

"Aiwass!" the creature yelled in anger. "I'm going to tear you apart for what you did!"

Confused, Peter looked at the strange creature, attempting to devise an escape plan. However, before he could react, his opponent seized him with brute force and flung him aside like a ragdoll. As Peter fell to the ground, he caught a glimpse of his opponent's horrifying appearance, resembling a less attractive yet brilliant scientist from Stillwater.

"Oh, shit," Peter muttered, unintentionally offending his opponent, as the Xentorian language translated and conveyed his words as an insult.

"Try not to get killed!" yelled his Ultra AI, their struggle being observed by another presence lurking nearby.

"What? No tech tricks today, Aiwass?" taunted his opponent, poised to grab Peter. However, Peter miraculously evaded harm by leaping away in one superhuman bound. Amazed by his own agility, he turned to his Ultra AI in the crowd and speculated whether the remaining Xentorium energy within him was responsible.

"Probably," she replied.

His opponent attempted to crush Peter with a powerful fist, but Peter blocked the attack with both arms and delivered a forceful kick to the groin, causing his adversary intense pain. Capitalizing on the advantage, Peter swiftly executed an acrobatic backflip, grabbing his opponent's wild mouth in the process, and skillfully flipped him into a nearby dumpster, shattering it upon impact.

While Peter believed he had won the round, his opponent stubbornly refused to accept defeat, commanding his minions to pursue Peter. They chased after him, with his Ultra AI at his side. Utilizing some of the tech embedded in his suit, Peter managed to take down a few pursuers. However, they eventually cornered him, poised to deliver a beating, when an unknown figure suddenly appeared, swiftly knocking them all unconscious and saving Peter and his Ultra AI.

Concealing their identity beneath a hooded mask, the enigmatic figure escorted them to their residence. Peter expressed gratitude to their savior, who then revealed herself as Xentora, the beautiful extraterrestrial princess of Xenda. Ultra AI recognized her as she bowed respectfully.

Xentora passionately kissed Aiwass, leaving Peter bewildered but strangely captivated by the moment, much to the disapproval of his Ultra AI, who shook her head in disapproval.

"I am so happy to see you, my love," declared Xentora, then surprised Peter (as Aiwass) with a forceful slap.

"Ouch!" Peter exclaimed, rubbing his cheek. "Why did you do that?" he asked, confused by her actions.

"Gambling again? Is that it?" reproached Xentora. "I thought you had left that old life behind, Aiwass. Using your creations as a test run outside of the street."

"It was an accident," Peter explained.

"Always the same response," retorted Xentora, pretending to slap Peter again but withdrawing her hand before making contact. She then approached her lover, engaging in another passionate kiss, while Ultra AI settled herself comfortably, understanding the intimate connection between the two.

After their moment of pleasure, Xentora confided a secret about their father, the king, who had made arrangements with Pi-minus to create the ultimate defense systems for each Maniverse. Xentora went on to reveal the existence of the Xentorium Core and the imminent danger threatening all of creation from powerful external forces. Xentora disclosed that their creator had shared this knowledge with Pi-minus, who had foreseen the impending omega destruction following the disappearance of the Alpha destruction. The only way to save all of creation, as revealed by their creator, was through the use of the Xentorium Core. To fulfill this purpose, their father had created a life force that surpassed the cosmos, serving as a balance and containment vessel for the Xentorium Core.

"Pytronx!" exclaimed Peter.

"Yes, my love," responded the surprised Xentora. Peter quickly got up, dressed, and approached his Ultra AI, seeking answers about the day of Xenda's destruction. She informed him about Pytronx's corruption and the impending doom it brought.

"Pytronx has already been corrupted," Peter muttered to himself. "No one is aware of this." He hurriedly dressed and returned to Xentora, who was already prepared. He explained the situation to her as they made their way to the heart of Xenda.

"Did Pi-minus send a test run to the universe?" Peter inquired. Xentora confirmed that a test run was indeed sent but never returned.

"However, a duplicate was created as a link to Pytronx if it were to come back and report to Xenda," Xentora explained.

"What else did Pi-minus create?" Peter questioned.

"Seven twenty-two," they both responded.

"It all makes sense," Peter remarked to himself. "Pytronx was separated from the pure Xentorium and became the unstable Xentorium known as the Dark Core."

"Which means?" Peter asked.

"Ultra HI is infused with Pytronx's energy, becoming him. He also foresaw his impending doom," Xentora clarified.

They arrived at the heart of Xenda, their main headquarters, where Peter encountered Pi-minus and his first assistant, Luthax. Peter urgently warned them about the imminent arrival of Pytronx and provided a detailed explanation. However, before they could take action, Xenda came under attack from Pytronx and his Vultax armies. Pytronx had evolved, gathered armies from across the cosmos, and created formidable forces. The fortified fortress was breached, unleashing chaos. The War of the Maniverse erupted, both within and outside the fabric of existence, filled with explosions and battleships.

The Xentorian guards attempted to evacuate the princess and the king to safety but were tragically slain before Peter's eyes. He rushed to protect Xentora, witnessing Pi-minus trying to perfect his masterpiece while Luthax engaged in an epic battle against Pytronx. The Vultax armies targeted Pi-minus, attempting to prevent him from completing his work. The entire realm of Xenda became a war zone.

"Backup system protocol: 2 minutes to total detonation," announced the AI control system's voice.

Peter approached Pi-minus after witnessing the death of Luthax. As Pi-minus reached for the ejection capsule launcher, intending to secure the completed "Auto-Grant" core for safety, Aiwass was suddenly stabbed from behind and died instantly. Peter became a witness to the events in his astral form.

"What's happening, Ultra AI?" Peter asked. "Why can't I be seen?"

"My creator, I have discovered in your vision the power to rewrite history, which will bring the universe to its knees; it is right in front of me, the core," revealed Pytronx.

Ultra AI explained to Peter that this was how Aiwass died and that neither she nor Peter could be seen again. All they could do was bear witness to the end of Xenda. Pi-minus managed to eject the capsule to an unknown destination, enraging Pytronx. As Pi-minus found himself surrounded by an army of Vultax, Pytronx took possession of Seven Twenty.

"You replaced me with the most powerful android ever created, made from the second toughest material in the multiverse, and with this technology, I shall reconstruct myself to find the Xentorium Core, wherever you pathetically sent it," declared Pytronx.

Pytronx demanded to know where Pi-minus had sent the core, to which Pi-minus defiantly replied, "You'll never find it." This only fueled Pytronx's determination to locate the core, making his research more challenging. As he closed in on Pi-minus, vowing to find the core at any cost, he ordered the death of Pi-minus and the entire Xentorian race, dooming the dimension to destruction. Pytronx and the Vultax began their relentless search for the core, scouring the vastness of the multiverse.

"And I believe we both know the rest, Peter McCoy," said Ultra AI, who had already fused with him, transforming him into Ultra White Peter before teleporting them away.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the Ultra Family, specifically in Mark's journey, he found himself in a different world that mirrored his own past. In this reality known as Earth33-multiverse-universe3000, Mark McCoy discovered how he was adopted by the McCoy family. Coming from a broken home, Mark had endured a difficult childhood, lacking the love, care, and attention he deserved. His original family had faced traumatic circumstances that led to their downfall. His father struggled with alcoholism, and his mother was caught in an unhappy marriage before the family's ultimate crisis.

Mark felt a sense of remorse as he witnessed the reflection of his past life in this alternate world, reminding him of the hardships he had faced. Contemplating approaching his alternate self for guidance and enlightenment, he was interrupted by an unfamiliar figure.

"Mark McCoy," called out the mysterious figure. "One cannot change the fate of their alternate reality or past lives, but they can be grateful for who they are now and what they will become."

Ultra Red Mark turned to face the stranger, who was dressed entirely in black with a symbol of multiple Ms on his chest.

"Who are you?" inquired Ultra Red Mark.

"I am Multiple Man," the stranger replied. "And I am a guardian of the vast realities within the Maniverse."

He explained to Mark that each world played out differently, and while there might be similarities across the Maniverses, the outcomes varied. Multiple Man then showed Mark the future of his alternate self in that particular reality, ten years ahead. In this future, Mark's alternate self received the love and support he had longed for from his parents, as they had now achieved financial stability and emotional well-being. Multiple Man emphasized that Mark's journey would unfold uniquely in his own Maniverse and throughout the multiverse, showing him glimpses of every alternate timeline of himself. This revelation enlightened Mark, instilling gratitude for who he was and where he currently stood. And just like that, Multiple Man vanished, leaving Mark to contemplate the profound wisdom he had received.

In the case of Rita McCoy, a bright and optimistic teenage girl, she encountered her counterpart or doppelganger from another universe. In this alternate universe, Rita McCoy held the position of Mayor in Vill-City and served as a defender of that world. As the ultra AI of that universe, she was renowned as the most powerful being.

Rita McCoy, from her own universe, had unlocked the full potential of her ultra AI and had been anticipating the meeting with her doppelganger. When Rita McCoy arrived in this particular universe known as Earth6969-multiverse-universe9696, an intense connection was immediately felt between the two versions of Rita. The Mayor Rita McCoy of that universe approached her with great excitement, eager to meet her duplicate.

"Rita McCoy of Earth1A-multiverse-universeX24," Mayor Rita McCoy exclaimed as she gracefully descended from a cloud of radiant light, not currently in her transformed state but still emanating a glorious presence.

"You said what now?" said the somewhat confused Rita.

"Come! There's much to discuss," Mayor Rita McCoy replied.