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Curtechyian Madness - Part 1

Meanwhile, at the McCoy's residence, a great testimony of truth and a shocking revelation was about to be revealed in a flash by Felicity to the McCoy family.

"V!" Mark exclaimed in astonishment. "How's this possible? We only met a few weeks ago, and our relationship is pretty smooth, but this is shocking. I should have known, the clue was right there in front of me the whole time. Isn't this universe filled with non-superpowered beings?" He added, shocked to see Felicity Valmond as the speedster known as Velocity.

"You know each other?" Peter asked curiously.

"Yeah!" Rita replied as she joined the conversation.

"A classmate, to be precise," said Debbie, who also joined the conversation.

"Also, my study partner, a best friend, and... A soon-to-be girlfriend," said Mark cheerfully as Felicity smiled beautifully.

"Why have you come?" Peter asked. "Are you from the future?" He added.