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The Elementals - Part 1

Somewhere in Maniverse 44 - Earth 60 - Multiverse - Universe 33, a glowing orb made its way through the atmosphere, shattering into four pieces and landing in four different lands. The cosmic aura produced from the orb as it made its way to Earth covered the entire world, creating both negative and positive cosmic radiance energies. This cosmic radiance caused atmospheric changes, leading to rainfall and transforming the world.

Long ago, the four lands lived together in harmony until the invaders attacked, dividing them into four geographical locations. These four lands, once known as the KINGDOM HEARTS, were now individually known by their separate names: The Earth Land, The Water Land, The Fire Land, and The Air Land. Millennia later, the power of the orb reunited these four lands, and they regained their territories from the invaders, becoming the ELEMENTAL NATION.