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Curtechyian Madness - Part 7

Felicity found herself in Maniverse 66, specifically on Kepler-438b, a peculiar corner of the Multiverse within Universe 776B. As she surveyed this strange timeline, she was enveloped by a whirlwind of lightning and rushing winds that passed by in an instant. These were the speedsters of this universe, engaged in a race that transcended the boundaries of ordinary speed.

Unbeknownst to Felicity, these speedsters weren't waging war against each other; they were testing their speed and might, competing to determine who was the fastest in their universe. A total of thirty-one speedsters had gathered for this exhilarating competition, though not all the speedsters from the universe could participate due to various circumstances. The race attracted speedsters from different dimensions scattered across the vast tapestry of creation, some physically present, and others participating through enigmatic means.