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Jessica's Adventure - Part 7

The next morning, when all the students were enjoying their free time in the open field within the school premises, some were diligently practicing their academic work, while others were engaged in various sporting activities. Suddenly, a deafening explosion echoed from a distance, sending shockwaves through the students. Alarmed, they were immediately summoned to the main hall for safety, just in time to avoid an object hurtling into their school field from a far-off location.

As the students anxiously evacuated the school field, they were met with an astonishing sight. Jessica, who had been with her friends, and the entire school community witnessed bizarre alien-looking creatures running wild on their school grounds. Some of the aliens pounded furiously on the school entrance, threatening to rip it apart. Fear gripped the students, and teachers hurriedly called for help through their phones, following the school's emergency protocols.