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Jessica's Adventure: The Power of SUV Unleashed - Episode 3

The following day, media outlets buzzed with tales of Ultra White Jessica's heroic deeds, but they also highlighted the dire condition of beloved artists, Music Man and Harmonica Girl. These two had bravely risked their lives defending Jessica against Dragnos and were now in a coma. Fans worldwide expressed their respect and wishes for a speedy recovery.

In the quiet corner of Maya's apartment, the morning greeted Jessica with the promise of a new day. Rising early, she refreshed herself and headed downstairs to find her mom already prepared for work. Despite her mother's suggestion to eat breakfast, Jessica, in a hurry, exchanged a quick kiss and set off.

On her way to school, Jessica surprised Bruno and Samantha by punctually joining them. Bruno teased her about her newfound punctuality, and the trio arrived at school in time for their activities.