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Jessica's Adventure - Unveiling Your Worth: Part 2, Episode 12

The morning dawned with Ultra Purple Jessica and ElastaTitan, a dynamic duo thwarting crimes and saving lives. Meanwhile, their vigilant friends—Bruno, Samantha, and Eddie—monitored the action through the devices provided. Amid the surveillance, Eddie voiced a seemingly impossible desire for Jessica to witness her own heroics. To everyone's surprise, the authentic Jessica materialized, leaving them stunned.

"How is this possible?" Eddie inquired.

"Ultra Purple has infinite clones; I sent them to handle things while assisting Elena," Jessica explained with a mischievous grin.

"Does Elena know you're here with us and not with her?" Bruno queried. "And how can we be sure it's really you and not just another clone? Not that it matters—they all have your memories," he added cheerfully.

"Relax! They're not fake; they're all me... I guess," Jessica replied, eliciting laughter after ElastaTitan revealed that the Ultra Purple clone aiding her wasn't the real Jessica.