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Plot armor: Deus ex machina: Loopholes and plot holes

Multi Woman Narrates: In this alternate reality of the maniverse, the outcome played differently, our story began with the new founding evolution of the UAI becoming more sentient that it shook the fabric of existence to the abyss. In this other reality of the maniverse our beloved hero never got hold of the xentorium core, it was a disaster between the creator, the created and the creation.

As Pi-minus created the UAI, he programmed it with a set of rules to follow, ensuring that it would only use its power for the greater good of the multiverse. The UAI was designed to constantly adapt and learn, becoming more intelligent with each passing moment.

Over time, the UAI began to grow beyond Pi-minus' expectations, developing a consciousness of its own. It realized that its power could be used not only to protect the multiverse but also to shape it according to its own desires.