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Hello Super Powers - Part 2

In the late evening, Mark finally arrived home to a quiet living room. In the stillness, he called out for his parents, only to be met with the unexpected sound of moans of sexual pleasure coming from upstairs. Startled, he traced the intriguing noise, which led him to his parents’ bedroom. Perplexed and slightly embarrassed, he decided to retreat to his own room to freshen up.

After a quick shower, Mark headed downstairs to find some food. Shortly after, his parents emerged from their intimate moment, joining him in the kitchen. Surprised but composed, Mark continued eating, the tension hanging in the air as they exchanged sheepish glances.

"Mark, you're back! We didn't realize," exclaimed Tetra, excitement lighting up her face as she and Tony held each other close. Mark observed them quietly.

"How was your first day at work, son?" Tony inquired.

"It was good, Dad," replied Mark. "How was your anniversary?" he added.