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I Wanna Be Just Like You, Mom

The following day, Mark found himself in his room, grappling with the hazy recollection of how he ended up there. His head throbbed with a dull ache, making it difficult to piece together the events of the previous day. Before long, his mother, Tetra, entered the room, her face etched with concern.

"How are you feeling, Mark?" she inquired, her voice laced with motherly compassion.

Mark struggled to recall anything beyond a blur of confusion, his memory clouded by the lingering effects of whatever had transpired. All he could grasp onto was the fleeting image of training with his mom; everything else remained elusive. Yet, as Tetra gently recounted the incident that occurred during their training session, fragments of the truth began to surface.

Listening to her account, Mark felt a pang of remorse wash over him, realizing the gravity of his actions. But Tetra, ever the comforting presence, reassured him, urging him not to bear the weight of guilt alone.