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Brawl beat wit

Meanwhile on Earth, the non-lethal shockwave from space briefly disrupted planetary satellites, alerting government agencies to investigate the anomaly. Feeling the vibration of the shockwave, they scrambled to recover lost footage. Upon presenting the recovered footage to President Baraq, they were all stunned to witness a brutal battle between two Tetronians, though they could not track Terra's entry into Earth's atmosphere.

"Mr. President, it seems we are under attack. What do you propose we do, sir?" asked one of the agency officials.

President Baraq processed his thoughts, recalling the footage and the emblem of "T" on the Tetronians' chests, identical to Tetra's. He began to question if there were other Tetronians like Tetra and their motives for fighting each other on Earth. After much thought, he suggested they do everything in their power to locate the alien intruder and ascertain her motives. He also proposed contacting the Guardians of Earth for assistance.