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The Quest To Aid Neighboring Regions Begins - Episode 1

As their journey began, Joseph inquired where they were heading, to which Yoshi responded that they were en route to the city of Hakodate. From there, they would travel to other cities and regions in need of aid, allying with local warriors to restore their lands to their former glory.

“It’s a three-day ride, so we must remain vigilant,” Yoshi explained. “Monsters and supernaturals are rampaging through territories, weakening their defenses.”

Yoshi went on to explain that some had reported these creatures possessing powerful relics and treasures, which was unusual unless they were being manipulated. “Although not all of these creatures can be easily controlled,” Yoshi added. “If they are being influenced, it's likely the renegades are behind it. These relics, in their possession, could be crafted into dangerous artifacts. While most relics are powerful on their own, when reforged into something unique, they become far more dangerous.”