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Treasure of knowledge - Episode 1

A few hours after their quiet, shared intimacy, Joseph awoke first. Carefully slipping out of Yoshi's arms, he paused to take in Yoshi's peaceful expression, a faint smile crossing his lips before he left the room.

Joseph strolled through the early morning streets of Tottori, where he soon encountered Lyra, who was storing the last of her purchased items into her pocket dimension. Noticing him, Lyra offered a warm smile. "How are you feeling?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"I'm alright," Joseph replied, giving a slight nod. They shared a lighthearted chat, with Lyra admiring his courage and resilience. Eventually, she inquired after Yoshi, and Joseph explained he was still resting. Lyra nodded, then reminded him of their departure plans. "Be prepared to leave at first light," she said. "The other travelers are ready as well."