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Relic of Space - Part 1

A sharp intake of breath echoed among Yoshi’s companions, the threat hanging in the air like a storm cloud.

Yoshi and Lyra exchanged uneasy glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. Demi-gorgons were not just shape-shifting monsters but highly intelligent predators capable of manipulating their environment and preying on the minds of their victims.

“Such audacity,” Joseph muttered, his brows furrowed. “For a mere Demi-Gorgon, not even a full Gorgon, to make such a bold declaration—he must be supremely confident in his abilities.”

Emi Arisa, the Knight-Huntress, stepped forward, her expression firm. “Yes, for a demi-gorgon. It resides deep in the Hollow Chasm, a treacherous region far to the west of Obihiro Town. It’s not just a monster—it’s a cunning adversary that uses fear and illusions to disorient its prey. Retrieving the relic of space from its grasp will not be an easy task.”