Chapter 4 Apologizing

"Far, calm down," said Time, immediately grabbing his friend's arm.

"What could be attractive about someone like you?" I retorted, my patience wearing thin.

"Ah! Ah!" our boss Je Dao shouted, hurriedly approaching us in her high heels.

"What happened, Mr. Faren?" Je Dao asked as she got closer to the table.

"Please, calm down, calm down," said Je Dao, her face suddenly stern as she noticed my handprint clearly visible on Faren's face.

"How dare your employees slap me in the face?" Faren demanded angrily.

"Je Dao, but this man behaved rudely towards me," I said, my hand still trembling with anger.

"Shut up immediately!" Je Dao shouted at me.

"Mr. Faren is our VIP customer, and everyone sitting at this table is VIP," Je Dao said, shouting at me with her eyes wide open.

"Do you know what VIP means, Nam Khing?" Je Dao said, gritting her teeth.

"If he's a VIP but behaves badly, do we still have to accept it?" I said, pressing my lips tightly together.

"Nam Khing!" Maple shouted again.

"If we don't please them, who will pay for the damages?" Je Dao pressured me.

"Apologize to Mr. Faren immediately!" Je Dao said, dragging me in front of Faren.

"Hurry up!" Je Dao said, bowing her head and smiling humbly at Faren.

"Je Dao, but I'm innocent," I said, pulling my arm back.

"I'm only here to prepare drinks," I insisted.

"This man offered sexual services, isn't that illegal?" I said, looking around, hoping the law would be on my side.

"Then report it to the police," Faren laughed.

"Do you want to apologize or bow down to my feet?" he asked, laughing.

"I would never apologize to someone like you!" I said firmly.

"You have to," said Je Dao, pulling my arm harshly.

"Mr. Faren owns the land this club is on," she said, losing her patience.

Faren smirked as he stroked his face.

"Just apologize for slapping a VIP customer," Je Dao said, sweating anxiously.

"It won't just affect you," Je Dao said, her eyes filled with worry.

Feeling helpless, I resigned myself to Faren.

"Kneel and apologize," Faren said, as if he had won a victory.

"This isn't the first time you've hurt me," Faren said, never taking his eyes off me.

I had had an issue with Faren before and had kicked him.

"Honor won't fill your stomach, Nam Khing," Je Dao said, turning me towards Faren.

"Far, enough," Time said, trying to stop his friend.

"No, it's not enough," Faren said indifferently.

"Is it that hard with you?" Faren said.

"If you apologize, maybe I'll forgive you," he said.

"Otherwise," he looked at Je Dao.

"This woman will be fired," Faren said harshly.

"This woman doesn't know how to ensure customer satisfaction," Faren said, looking at Je Dao.

"I'm sorry, on behalf of Nam Khing," Je Dao said, kneeling.

"Je Dao, don't… I'll do it," I said, holding Je Dao back.

Je Dao was ten years older than me; I couldn't bear to see her in this situation.

And it was my fault.

I knelt and took a deep breath, then apologized.

"Far, enough," Time said, trying to stop his friend.

"What happened Time, this girl has hurt me many times, I want her to apologize," Faren said.

"Hurry up, I'm listening," Faren said.

"I'm sorry…" I apologized, clasping my hands together.

"Are you satisfied now?" I asked, holding back tears.

Faren looked at my hands and scoffed.

"That's it," he said.

"I'm leaving," he said to his friends.

"I have a morning class," Time said, standing up.

But as he got up, Faren bumped into my shoulder and walked out.

"How much for the whole night?" Clint asked Maple.

"Twenty thousand," Maple said sweetly.

"Alright, put everything that happened today on my tab," Clint said, patting Je Dao on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Clint," Je Dao said.

"Maple, take good care of Clint," Je Dao said.

"Yes," Maple said as she left with Clint.

I collapsed to my knees, speechless. Had they just agreed on a service for the whole night?

I stood up and looked at Clint and Maple, feeling a pang in my chest.

"Some people don't want to choose this job," Je Dao said.

"Maple's sister had an accident," Je Dao said.

"She's in the ICU," Je Dao said.

"She's earning that money to keep her sister breathing," Je Dao said.

"If there were better jobs, they wouldn't be here," Je Dao said.

"Can you earn twenty thousand?" Je Dao asked.

I shook my head.

"If you can't, don't come tomorrow," Je Dao said, patting my shoulder.

I realized that the young women in the club worked to survive with the money they earned.

**@Nam Khing's Dormitory**

"When I graduate, I'll have a good job," I said, looking at a photo with my sister.

"Hang in there, I'll help you," I said, hugging the old photo and crying myself to sleep.

**The Next Morning**

I woke up early, brushed my teeth, and started studying. I had classes in the afternoon, so I made use of the morning.

I was a scholarship student and was about to lose my scholarship because I didn't have time to study for exams.

All my time was spent on part-time jobs, with no free time during the day.

**Phone Rings**

(Caller: Yam)

Yam was my manager at the ice cream shop where I worked evenings.

Why is Yam calling? I answered immediately.

"Hello, Yam sis, did you call me?" I asked politely.

"Nam Khing, what happened last night?" Yam sis asked, her voice worried.

"Last night?" I asked, frowning.

"Yes, last night at the place I sent you to work," she said.

"Je Dao?" I asked immediately.


"The boss was fired," Yam sis said.

"Fired?" I asked in shock.

"She cried and blamed me," Yam sis said, and I fell silent.

"Je Dao is a single mother," Yam sis said.

"She works and pays off her ex-husband's gambling debts."

"And now she's jobless," Yam sis said.

"She blamed me," Yam sis said.

"Tell me what happened, Nam Khing," she said.

"Faren!" I said, clenching my fists.

"Okay, Yam sis, comfort Je Dao."

"I'll handle it," I said.

"Apologize," I said.

"Okay, let me know," Yam sis said and hung up.


Engineering Faculty Building

I waited for Faren for a while. Finally, he arrived.

"Faren," I called out.

"Oh, Nam Khing!" Faren said, looking at me.

"I knelt and apologized last night," I said.

"Why was she fired?" I asked angrily.

"You apologized, but I didn't forgive," Faren said.

"You beat me," I said angrily.

"Yes," Faren said.

"She's jobless," I said.

"Are you done ranting?" Faren said with a dull expression.

"I don't listen," Faren said.

He walked away, hugging a girl.

"Don't mess with me," Faren said.

"In the end, you'll kneel," Faren said mockingly.

"Faren," I said, my voice trembling.

I grabbed a glass of water and threw it in his face.
