Chapter 14 Friend… Attractive?

"I just missed the atmosphere of our first near-death experience together," Faren said, pressing the remote control to open the gate of the large racetrack. This racetrack, not too far from the city center, wasn't very far from the university by car.

After Faren drove his new luxury car onto the wide racetrack, the front gate slowly closed on its own.

That night, when Faren brought Irene and me here, I left immediately in a taxi after the race because I had to work at the bar, so I didn't notice much.

This racetrack was almost as wide as the national racetracks. In fact, it was built solely for luxury cars and amateur races for rich kids' entertainment.

In the darkness and silence of the night, on this wide track, there were only a few abandoned cars and various equipment used for the races.

Faren drove towards his old car, the one we used that night, which was still parked here. After his new car of the same model had collided with another racer's car, it had turned into scrap.

Faren parked next to his wrecked car and stared at it for a long time. He watched it without saying anything.

"Aren't you going to repair it?" I asked, watching Faren as he stared at his old car. I thought if the doors and engine were fixed a bit, maybe it could run again.

"No!" he shook his head and answered immediately.

He turned off the engine and looked at me silently.

"I don't like fixing things that are already broken or damaged."

"I can always get a new one," he answered shamelessly. His eyes showed no regret despite his car being in such a ruined state.

"I'll stay here for a while," he said, grabbing his cigarette and lighter. Inside the track, only the road illuminated by the headlights was visible; the rest was completely dark.

This gloomy and deserted environment looked very scary.

"Suit yourself!" I said without looking at his face, checking Irene's messages on my phone.

Faren turned my phone towards him and looked at the screen.

"Who are you talking to?" he asked, looking into my eyes.

"I'm talking to Irene!" I said firmly.

"Actually, Irene had planned to meet with me first," I added. I didn't understand why Faren wanted to know everything about me. I didn't like sharing my private life.

"Irene," he said her name and immediately frowned. Everyone knew that Faren and Irene didn't get along well, especially since Irene started dating Windsor.

Faren left my phone and got out of the car immediately. Now, on this wide track where only the road illuminated by the headlights was visible, it was just the two of us.

Faren walked inside and entered a small office-like building. I thought about sending a message to Irene to let her know I couldn't come.

Explaining the situation through a message seemed better because if I called, Irene might realize I wasn't at work. Unlike the noise of the restaurant, this place was very quiet.

**LINE (Message to Irene)**

Nam Khing: Honey, the sister at work suddenly got sick, so I have to take care of the shop in her place.

Nam Khing: I'm sorry, I can't come to your place tonight.

Irene: It's okay, honey.

Irene: I feel much better now, don't worry.

Nam Khing: Okay, but don't think too much, and don't take sleeping pills for several nights in a row. It's harmful!

Irene: Okay, I only take them when I can't sleep, my dear friend.

Irene: Don't worry, make sure you don't overwork yourself, okay?

Irene: If you have any problems, you can always tell me, Khing.

Nam Khing: Okay, good night, don't think too much!

When I looked up from the phone screen, I saw Faren returning with beer cans in his hand. He was smoking and walking quickly towards the car.

Tap tap. Faren knocked on the window hard, startling me.

"Get out!" he said, not removing the cigarette from his mouth.

"Why do I have to get out?" I grumbled to myself, sighing in frustration. Leaving my phone and bag in the car, I opened the door and obeyed his command.

Faren tossed me a beer can, and I caught it involuntarily.

"Hey!" It almost hit my face, but I managed to catch it at the last moment.

I glared at him angrily, but he didn't care.

The track was silent, it was just us. Faren sat on the hood of his car, opened his beer, and took a sip while looking around, not saying anything.

I walked over to give it back to him because I didn't want it.

"I don't drink," I said, my throat still burning, holding out the cold beer can to him.


Faren pulled me towards him, so I ended up wedged between his legs, unable to move.

"Why are you doing this?" I said, trying to push myself away, but he held me tightly.

Faren opened the beer can, and foam splattered everywhere.

"Drink," he said, forcibly giving me the can.

"I don't… drink, cough cough," My throat hurt even more.

"Your voice is terrible, I don't want to hear it," Faren said, the cigarette still in his mouth.

"You sound like a duck!" He tried to shut me up with his voice, forcing the cold beer can into my hand.

I was really thirsty, and my throat was burning. But I wanted water, not beer.

In the end, I had no choice and drank the beer.

I tried to wash away the disgusting taste of Faren with the cold beer going down my throat. After finishing the can, I crushed it, taking my frustration out on it.

"Don't act like you've never had beer before," he said mockingly.

"You usually go out every night with Irene at the bars," he said sarcastically.

"Hey! You have no right to judge others," I said, defending my friend.

"Is your friend untouchable?" Faren shouted harshly at me.

"Windsor quit racing because of your friend," he said angrily.

"Racing was his biggest dream!"

"And one of the reasons this track is so empty is your friend," Faren squeezed the beer can in anger.

"I built this track with my own hands!" he shouted. He threw the empty beer can on the ground.

He pulled me towards him, wrapping his arms around me and pressing me against his chest.

"I'm curious, is your friend that attractive?" Faren asked with a strange expression.

"Do you think your friend is that attractive?" Faren forced his imagination.

"I'm curious how attractive your friend is," he said, slowly slipping his hand into my shirt.

"In this situation, I'm curious how attractive your friend is," he said, slipping his hand into my blouse.