A New Beginning

Kendra POV

I kept running to the penthouse at the back of the mansion. I kept hearing footsteps behind me. O my God!! The person is getting closer

I decided to hide at the back of a shelf in the penthouse then I heard a gunshot behind me.

The person is here!! I kept telling myself to calm down

"Kendra,kendra..."I kept hearing my name over and over

"Kendra wake up"I felt a cold liquid poured on my head

"I my God!!"I screamed opening my eyes. I realized that am still in my room. It was all a dream. I sighed

"Finally you're awake, I've been trying to wake you up since,do you want to miss your flight?"My aunt Kelly said

"Flight?...o my God what's today?"I asked shocked

"It's the day you go to university"my cute cousin Kourtney said

"Flight? University..o yes I can't believe I slept too long am taking a shower now"I said rushing to the bathroom

"You forgot your towel"Kourtney said

"O yes thank you"I said rushing out to take my towel

"Let me go prepare your aunt's breakfast"I heard aunt Kelly voice while I was brushing

Aunt Kelly is the only one who agreed to take care of me after my parents death. I come from a gigantic wealthy family. I have a lot of relatives who use to care for me, buy me lots of stuff even though I don't need them but they all disappeared after my parents death.

My dad left me a will like he knows he's going to die. He gave me all his properties all over the world including houses,villas,farms,he left me in charge of his industries, companies and even orphanage homes.

But am way too young to take over my father's business so,I handed everything over to Aunt Kelly and her husband Uncle Kris as a thank you for agreeing to bring me up.

I am Kendra Mondragon,a 19 years old girl who had lovely parents but became an orphan at the age of 10. I am a girl with big dreams. My friends call me Kendra the dreamer, am a dreamer,I imagine a lot of things even the ones that are impossible and I know I am going to bring my imagination into reality.

"Am clean,am fresh"I said come out of the bathroom wearing my bathrobe.

"Here,I brought out these clothes for you"Kourtney said"o thank you sweetheart, let me just cream first, here help me rub this on my back"I gave her my body cream.

"Kk all done"thanks Kourtney, now go to cassie place and tell her am all set"

"But you're not"she replied"I know now go tell her"

Cassandra Wilson is My childhood friend.we've been together for a long time. Attended the same primary and high school and also planed to attend same college. Cassie is a dark skinned girl but very very beautiful.I will say,GOD took alot of time in creating her.she's stunning and looks like a shinning gem. She has these long lashes like butterfly wings that blinks whenever she smiles. She's blessed with long straight black hair that is perfectly fixed on her head. She dreams of being a model and I know she's actually going to be that. We both stand up for each other and never let anybody bully us. She has always been there for me till now and I really really love her

"I can't believe Kourtney brought out these clothes for me"I said to myself in disbelief. Kourtney brought out a short black leather skirt with a long zip at the back with a leather turtle neck crop top. It doesn't look presentable but I love it anyways

I quickly put on my clothes and hurried downstairs

"You're not going to wear that on your first day at college right?"Aunt Kelly asked

"Class not starting today Aunt and anyways Kourtney picked it up for me"

"I've told her already she'll be here"Kourtney said rushing in

"O my God you look sexy"Kourtney said winking at me

"Thank you baby"I said blowing a kiss to her

"Hurry eat up"Aunt Kelly placed the food at my front

"You know what you're wearing doesn't look presentable Kendra, maybe you should wear a trouser or a long skirt. People are gonna say alot of things"Aunt Kelly said drinking her tea

"Aunt you know that long skirt doesn't exist in my wardrobe, this skirt is comfy. And I am Kendra Mondragon who doesn't care about what people say about her. She doesn't stuff because she wants people to talk about her"

"Whatever"She said sighing

"How long are you going to be in Thrones University?"Kourtney asked combingg my hair

"About 4 years baby"I replied

"Okay all done,mom come braid"Kourtney said

"Thanks baby come join me"I said dragging a chair for her

"Okay blonde, what style do you want?"Aunt Kelly asked approaching me with the comb

"Umm just two all back"


"All done"She said after some time

"It's pretty"I said looking at myself in the mirror she gave me

"Thanks Aunt"

"You're welcome"she replied smiling

"Don't tell me"I heard Cassie's voice at the dining entrance. I turned to look at her then found out that we're actually wearing same clothes

"So this is Kourtney plan. Kourtney told me that you are all ready and to wear a leather skirt and crop top to look attractive"Cassie said

We all turned to look at Kourtney

"You little rat"I tickled her

"So are you set?"Cassie asked

"Yeah, let me go get my things"I said rushing upstairs to my room

"Am going to miss you so so much"Kourtney said hugging my legs tightly as I put my bags in the car booth

"Stop being a kid Kourtney, she's going to college not running away"Biggie Cassie's younger brother said coming out of their house (they are actually our neighbors)

"Am not being a kid here, it's normal to miss someone and am going to miss my sister"Kourtney said defending herself

"You've always been a kid, you haven't grown up yet"Biggie said

"You're the kid here, you still sleep with your toys close to you"Kourtney said

"And you can't sleep without listening to stories from your sister"Biggie said folding his arms

"Hey!!"Kourtney screamed pointing at him

"Hey too kids,stop that. And Biggie what's your stress. Now take these bags and put them in the car"cassie said dragging her bags

"I can't really believe you're leaving me with this big head here"Cassie's younger sister Cherry said coming out of their house

"Yes I've had enough of him. Take care of him and don't put him in the fridge like you did when you were still little"Cassie said close the car booth

"Wait she put me in the fridge?"Biggie asked. We all pretended like we didn't hear him

"Hey Aunt Kelly we'll be leaving now"Cassie said shouting loud enough for Aunt Kelly to hear her from the house

"You are all pretending like you didn't hear me"Biggie said yelling. We all ignored him

"Do you still want an answer?"Kourtney asked him raising her eyebrows.

"Hold on, you girls haven't forgotten the rules right?"Aunt Kelly asked coming out of the house and walking towards us

"No fighting,no late night parties,no clubbing,no drinking,no boys and no hook up"Cassie and I said in unison

Like Aunt Kelly has been ringing it in our heads for the past three weeks. Sometimes she even turns it to song

"What's hook up?"Biggie asked

"See who hasn't grown up"Kourtney said smirking. You know the meaning of hook up? come with me we need to talk"Cherry said dragging Kourtney to the house

"Talk about what?"Kourtney asked following her

"About what and what you know"Cherry replied

I chuckled shaking my head

Aunt Kelly glared at me

"How I wish Uncle Kris is here,I just wanna hug him before I leave"Cassie said and I could only say "yes"

"Did someone call Uncle Kris"I heard my Uncle's voice. We both turned back to the car and saw him coming out of the driver's seat

"O my God you were here all this while? I asked shocked

"Yeah,am taking you girls to the airport"he replied

"I thought you had work to do"

"Yes I do,but it's suspended till you girls get to the airport"he said

"Speaking of airport,I think you guys should get going. You don't want to miss the plane"Aunt Kelly said

"O yes"we both said

We all got into the car and my uncle started driving immediately."Play a song will you?"Cassie asked from the back seat

"Okay"I replied. I connected my phone to the car and played "Enough"by Cardi B.

"O my God, what's with you and Cardi B?"my uncle asked

"I don't know why she loves Cardi B"Cassie said

"I wonder why you guys don't like her, like everyone in the whole wide world loves her"I said

"She's a full pack of noise"Uncle said and I just rolled my eyes

"Change it please"Cassie said

"Put Billie Eish"Uncle Kris said

"We are not depressed Uncle"I said

"Okay just change it to something else"

I quickly changed the song to Megan the Stallion

"O my God are you crazy, change this song immediately"Uncle Kris screamed

"What do you mean Uncle, you don't like Cardi B and Megan? Cassie asked

"Yes, they're always talking about stuffs that are not good to the ear"he replied

"So what song do you want boss?"I asked

"Ummm Tems"he replied smiling

"Tems? You mean that Nigerian Artist? You like her songs?"Cassie asked surprised

"Yes I do,her voice, the lyrics, everything about her songs. They actually go with any mood"Uncle Kris replied still focused on the road

"This is my decision, decision, this is my decision,I don't think you listen, you listen,I don't think you listen...."I played Me and You by Tems

"Yes!!! that's my Tems. You see what am talking about? The voice"Uncle Kris said smiling like a kid

"She's good. I do listen to most of her songs"Cassie said with her eyes still locked on her phone screen

"You do?I asked turning back to look at her

"Yes"she replied wiggling her eyebrows

"Faith to receive you, faith to believe you. Give me something am lacking..."My Uncle and Cassie sang together

"O God"I said strolling through Instagram

"Only me and you, only me and you...."My Uncle said drumming on the steering

"You better hold that steering tight"I screamed

He just laughed

"O God"I said calmly

"I can't believe my baby is actually going to college"Uncle Kris said hugging me tightly

"Uncle I can't breathe"i said rolling my eyes

"I thought it was all a dream"Uncle said

"Wait what?"I said shocked

"You are disgracing Kendra Mondragon"Cassie said laughing

Finally Uncle released me

"O my God, it's Kendra Mondragon"

"Geez she's so pretty"different people started noticing me and taking pictures of me

"This is going to twitter"Cassie said still laughing

God!!!I hate unaware pictures.

"What about Ryan and Ben?"Uncle asked Cassie (Ryan and Ben are Cassie's parents)

"They're in a meeting. I sent mom a message that am going to call her when we get there"Cassie replied

"Our flight is ready, put your phone in airplane mode"I said

"Okay kids, this is where we say goodbye"Uncle Kris said smiling

"Bye Uncle Kris"Cassie and I hugged him

"Bye girls remember no fighting,no drinking okay? Kendra Mondragon?"Uncle Kris said looking at me

"Why are you talking to me specifically? Am not the only one that fights here"I said frowning

"Cassie is the good one here"Uncle Kris said smiling

"Let's go Cassie"I said dragging her

"Bye girls"

"Bye Uncle Kris" Cassie waved at him

We actually booked first class seats. Cassie and I ate a lot of foods we haven't tried before. We watched movies and took lots of pictures together

We got to New York and we immediately collected our luggages,our personal driver who Uncle Kris assigned to take us to college and where we will be staying drove in front of us

"Good day Miss Kendra and Miss Cassie,I am Robin your personal driver". Robin greeted us bowing down. Cassie and I looked at each other with open eyes

"Nice to meet you Mr Robin"Cassie replied

"Just call me Robin Miss"

"You are old enough to be our father"I said

"Ohh... your bags please"We gave him our bags which he puts in the car booth. The car is a white jeep Benz. It looks new and attractive.

We both got into the back seats and put on our seat belts. We took out our headset and phones cos it's going to be a long drive

I took pictures of beautiful buildings and places. I have to admit, New York is a very beautiful place. I can't believe this is where I'll be starting my new life. We slept for three good hours and woke up hearing Mr Robin voice

"We are here". We both got out of the car, stretched out a little and we're both stunned at the house in front of us

"Is this where we'll be staying?"Cassie asked shocked

"Yes,Mr Kris bought this place specifically for you two. It's just a thirty minutes drive to the school" Mr Robin replied opening the front door. The house is not too big, not even close to the mansion. It's a very beautiful and long bungalow with a pool at the back

"It even has a pool? Uncle Kris is the best"Cassie screamed happily

"Our college days are going to be sweet"I said smiling

"Take a look at the kitchen,see the kitchen table". The kitchen is very wide and big with a gigantic kitchen table. The house has four bedrooms,one painted blue and white with a big letter "C" above the bed and the other painted black and white with a big letter"K"above the bed and two guests rooms.

Each of our bedroom has a door linking to a " Clothes only" room. It's like a big clothes boutique. God bless Uncle Kris for his wonderful brain

At the side of the sitting room wall, there's a big frame with a saying"A NEW BEGINNING"Yes!!! This is a new beginning for me and Cassie.