The Family I want


I quickly got dressed, hired a very skilled make up artist and quickly went to the studio where I'll be meeting the Cruz family for the shoot

"Thank God you're here"a young girl walked towards me smiling

"Hi am Rosie Cruz"she introduced herself

"Ohh you're the Rosie, you're very pretty"I said smiling

"Well am still working hard to beat you in that"she said laughing

"Common everyone is waiting for you inside"she said directing me to a room

"Thanks for coming, Rosie thought I was lying "Travis said smiling

"You're lucky I changed my mind at the last minute"I said looking away

"Hi Miss Mondragon"a beautiful young woman came to greet me

"Am Miss Cruz, thanks for coming "

"Ohh,no problem, it's really nice to meet you"I said bowing

"Liya come over here "she called a little girl"she's the one you'll be doing the ad with"she said smiling at the small girl

"Ma'am it's time for you makeup"the makeup artist said

"What do you need makeup for? you're okay "Travis said frowning

"Just a little"I said demonstrating it will my fingers

We took some shoots and short ads. We played and laughed a lot because it was hard for the little girl to memorise the script

"We've booked a restaurant already, you don't mind having launch with us right?"Alex asked.

Sincerely speaking I don't know if it's Alex or Alvin, these two are so identical, it's so hard to differentiate them

"No not at all"I said smiling. We all made our way to our different cars,Mrs Cruz suggested that Travis go with me in my car

"You know if you don't want to have launch with us you can just say it, you don't have to accept"Travis said as we made our way to the restaurant

"Who told you I don't want to?"I asked

"No one I just thought you don't want to"he replied smiling

"If I accept to do something then I'll do it,I don't pretend about anything"I said still focused on the road

We arrived at the restaurant, it's one of the biggest restaurant in the city with luxurious designs. It's very beautiful and flashy one will not want to ever leave there

We got out of the car and people walking by suddenly noticed me,they started taking pictures of me and screaming my name

I tried to block my face but I couldn't. Then Travis came to stand beside me putting his hand around my shoulder as we walked towards the restaurant

I have to say he covered my entire body, making me look like a small kid

"Thank you"I said immediately I entered the restaurant

"You're welcome"he said walked to the table where everyone was waiting for us

"What are we cheering to?"Mrs Cruz asked looking at everyone

"We're cheering to Baby Brownies"I said smiling

"Cheers to Baby Brownies"I raised my glass


We talked about a lot of things from ourselves, everyone had a good time, laughing, cracking jokes and playfully insulting each other

The Cruz family is one big wonderful family filled with joy,love,they understand themselves very well and stand up for each other

This is the type of family I want, complete, sweet and lovely but somehow I can't have it

I tried some food I haven't eaten before and noticed the little girl beside me staring at me

"You wanna try it?"I asked her

"No no am good"she replied shaking her head. I knew she was going to say that

"Common try it,here"I said trying to feed her

"No no am okay"she said shaking her head

"So you're not going to take what am giving you?"I asked pouting like a baby

"Common Allisa don't turn pretty aunty down"her mom said smiling

Finally she opened her mouth and ate it

"How is it?"I asked smiling

"It's good"she gave me a thumbs up smiling

After some time I told them I had something to do and will be leaving

"I really love your family"I said to Travis as he walked me outside

"It's one big family, we're too many and lousy, you see I really envy you, only child,no one to disturb you"he said shaking his head

"Don't say that,do you know how horrible it is to be the only child? I've always wanted another sibling, someone to call me sister, someone I can scream at and play with but I can't,so be happy you have this big family"I said looking at his family laughing at the table

"You're right, you know you can always see this family as your own, we're here for you"

"I'll keep that in mind"I said smiling

We approached my car

"See you in school?"he asked opening the driver's door

"Yes see you in school"I said entering inside

"Bye"I said starting the car



I drove back home in silence,no music just me in deep thoughts,I thought about the happy moments I had with The Cruz family, Rosie hugging my hand and calling me big sister, Travis saying I can see them as my own family

That's the type of family I want God,why is mine always different,why did you have to take my parents away from me, the both of them at once

I touched my cheek and found out I was crying,I sighed and cleaned up my tears with an handkerchief

I got home and went straight to my room,my phone has been on silence since,I decided to check some messages and saw a message from Kourtney

Kourtney: can we video call tomorrow?

What was I saying,I have a sister already, the best sister in the world

Me:yes we can

I replied her smiling