Level Up

Adrian and Sophia reached a small clearing where a group of Horned Rabbits grazed. Adrian activated his stealth skill, blending seamlessly with the shadows cast by the dense canopy above. Sophia followed suit, her movements silent and precise.

"Remember, Adrian," Sophia whispered, her voice barely audible. "We strike fast and hard. Take them down before they even realize we're here."

Adrian nodded, his grip tightening on his weapon. He focused on the nearest rabbit, his mind calculating its likely movements.

Suddenly, Adrian lunged forward with blinding speed, his weapon slicing through the air. The rabbit didn't have a chance to react before it fell, cleanly cut by his strike. Simultaneously, Sophia unleashed a flurry of attacks, her movements a blur. She danced between the rabbits, each of her strikes injuring the rabbit enough that it wouldn't die. The horned rabbits attacked by Sophia were incapacitated.

"Adrian, take the last hit," she commanded her brother.

Adrian nodded and proceeded to kill off the horned rabbits with swift strikes, earning him a bunch of experience points.

"Level Up!" The system's voice chimed in Adrian's mind, a familiar yet exhilarating sound.


Level 2

Strength: 19 -> 26

Agility: 13 -> 16

Endurance: 16 -> 20

Intelligence: 13 -> 16

Luck: 10 -> 11

Adrian couldn't help but gasp as he saw his attributes change, each level up having such a massive impact on his stats due to his Dragon's Vein Manual. Adrian felt a surge of energy as his stats increased, his body becoming stronger and more agile. He glanced at Sophia, who nodded approvingly.

"Good job, Adrian. Let's keep this pace."

They moved deeper into the forest, encountering Gloom Wolves next. These creatures were more dangerous, hunting in packs with coordinated attacks. Adrian and Sophia adapted their strategy accordingly, focusing on speed and precision.

As they approached a pack of Gloom Wolves, Adrian signaled to Sophia. They split up, surrounding the pack from different angles.

Sophia initiated the attack, drawing the wolves' attention with a fierce battle cry. She charged at the nearest wolf, her blade flashing in the dim light. The wolves reacted instantly, their pack mentality kicking in as they coordinated their movements to surround her. Just as the first wolf lunged at Sophia, Adrian attacked, his weapon, the enchanted dagger that he obtained for his first mission clearance, slicing through the air.

The first wolf fell instantly, a clean cut to its neck due to the additional sharpness of the dagger. The second wolf turned to face him, but Adrian was faster, his blade piercing its side. He pivoted on his heel, dodging another wolf's attack, and struck again with lethal precision. Sophia moved in sync with him, her attacks complementing his perfectly. Her blade danced through the air, cutting down wolves with fluid grace.

"Level Up!" The system's voice echoed again.

Level 3

Strength: 26 -> 33

Agility: 16 -> 19

Endurance: 20 -> 24

Intelligence: 16 -> 19

Luck: 11 -> 12

Adrian felt another surge of power, his confidence and experience growing with each battle, as each level up brought him even more additional strength. They continued their assault, taking down the wolves with practiced efficiency. After the last wolf fell, Adrian and Sophia paused to catch their breath.

"That was intense," Adrian panted, wiping sweat from his brow. "But I feel stronger with every fight."

Sophia nodded, her breathing steady despite the exertion. "You're doing great, Adrian. Your progress is impressive. But remember, don't get overconfident. Always stay alert."

Adrian smiled, watching his stats increase so much with each level up. Each level up brought him a wondrous sense of strengthening, each level up making him feel a sensation of being high.

"You're right," he agreed. "Let's keep our guard up and stay focused."

They ventured further, encountering a group of Moss Spiders next. These creatures were more cunning, using their environment to their advantage. Adrian and Sophia adapted quickly, using their surroundings to outmaneuver the spiders.

Adrian focused on one spider, watching its movements carefully. When it lunged at him, he sidestepped, his weapon slicing through its legs. The spider hissed, trying to recover, but Adrian was relentless. He struck again, finishing it off. Sophia, meanwhile, used her agility to stay just out of reach of the spiders' venomous fangs, striking with pinpoint accuracy when they exposed their weak spots, incapacitating them for Adrian to finish them off.

"Level Up!" The system's voice chimed.

Level 4

Strength: 33-> 39

Agility: 19 -> 22

Endurance: 24 -> 28

Intelligence: 19 -> 22

Luck: 12 -> 13

The battles grew more intense as they delved deeper into the forest. Adrian and Sophia faced stronger and more cunning monsters, but their training and coordination allowed them to prevail. Each encounter pushed Adrian to his limits, but he felt himself growing stronger, his skills sharpening with every fight.

After a particularly grueling battle with a pack of Gloom Wolves and Moss Spiders, Adrian felt a surge of energy coursing through him. They decided to take a short break, finding a safe spot to rest and recover.

Sophia handed Adrian a water flask. "Here, drink this. You need to stay hydrated."

"Thanks," Adrian said, taking a long drink. "I needed that. This forest is relentless."

Sophia smiled. "That's why we're here, to get stronger. You're doing amazing, Adrian. Just remember to pace yourself."

Adrian nodded, feeling a sense of warmth as he felt care of his sister. "I couldn't do this without you, Sophia. Your guidance means everything."

Sophia's expression softened. "And I couldn't ask for a better brother and partner in battle. Now, let's get back to it. We still have a mission to complete."

Together, they pressed on, fighting a bunch of monsters, with Sophia incapacitating monsters for Adrian to finish them off. Adrian was determined to complete his mission, grow stronger, and protect his family. With Sophia by his side and the system guiding him, he knew he could achieve anything.

As they moved deeper, they encountered another pack of Gloom Wolves. This time, Adrian felt more confident. He could feel his increased strength and agility, his movements sharper and more precise.

"We've got this," Sophia said, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Stay focused and fight smart."

Adrian nodded, gripping his weapon tightly. "Let's do it."