Breathtaking Chris

As the morning light gently illuminated the room, Adrian's contentment was momentarily interrupted by a familiar sound in his mind.


Congratulations, host! You've completed the hidden mission: "Have a hat trick of sex."


Title: "Not a fluke, I lost my virginity" (Charm +30 against members of the opposite sex, -30 against the same sex)

1000 SP, Charm +20

Adrian blinked, a mix of amusement and exasperation crossing his face. Before he could fully process the information, the system chimed in again.

"Well, well, well, look at you, Host. Not just a one-time wonder, huh? I'm proud of you—not only for losing your virginity but for keeping the momentum going! Who knew you'd be so... persistent?"

Adrian couldn't help but roll his eyes, a smirk tugging at his lips as he responded internally. "Oh, please, like I need validation from a seduction system that also sells kitchen sets. What's next? A porn video?"

The system's voice took on a mockingly thoughtful tone. "Hmm, not a bad idea, Host. Maybe I could record all your sessions and sell them."

Adrian's mouth twitched at the suggestion, suppressing a laugh. "I bet you're just jealous you can't experience any of this yourself."

"Jealous? Me? I'm a sophisticated system, far above such base desires, Host. The only thing I'd be jealous of is a host who couldn't lose his virginity," the system quipped, dripping with sarcasm.

Adrian chuckled and glanced at Sophia, who was sleeping soundly by his side. He smiled, tightening his arm around her waist and kissing the top of her head.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the windows, Adrian carefully untangled himself from Sophia's embrace. She murmured softly in her sleep, her body still warm against his, but she didn't wake. He smiled at the sight of her peaceful expression, his heart swelling with affection.

But he knew he couldn't stay. Though he had no qualms about their relationship, Adrian was well aware of the potential complications it could bring if others found out—especially with the Baron still looming as a threat. He needed to settle matters and ensure their safety before revealing anything.

Quietly, he slipped out of bed, his movements careful not to disturb her. He dressed quickly, his mind already shifting to the day's tasks. His mission to reach Level 10 still loomed over him, and he knew he needed to push himself harder to achieve it. There was no time to waste.

As he finished dressing, Adrian glanced back at Sophia one last time. She had rolled onto her side, her hair splayed out on the pillow, a contented smile on her lips. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before turning to leave.

Adrian made his way through the hallways of the estate, his footsteps light as he approached his room. He needed to get back before his maid came to wake him.

He slipped into his room, closing the door behind him with a soft click. He had to train, grow stronger, and complete his mission. Only then could he protect those he cared about and secure their future.

Just as he began to gather his thoughts, the system's voice interrupted his brief moment of peace.

"Well, that was quite the exit, Host. But you forgot something rather important, didn't you?"

Adrian frowned, his mind racing. "What are you talking about? I made sure not to wake Sophia, got back here without anyone noticing—"

The system cut him off with a chuckle. "Oh, it's not about your sneaky little escapade. I'm talking about something that could have made you stronger, something you were too... distracted to remember."

Adrian's eyes widened as the realization hit him. "The Yin-Yang Harmony Technique!" he shouted in frustration, smacking his forehead. "Why didn't you remind me? I could've used it with Sophia! We could've... I could've gotten stronger while... Damn it!"

The system's voice dripped with mock amusement. "Oh, but Host, I thought you were too busy enjoying your 'hat trick' to be bothered with such trivialities. Besides, it's not my job to hold your hand through every single moment of your life. However, if you'd like, I do offer a convenient service reminder function. For a modest subscription fee of just 999 SP per year, I'll make sure you never forget anything important again!"

Adrian groaned, his frustration growing. "You really know how to pick your moments, don't you?"

"Of course, Host. After all, what would you do without my constant guidance and reminders?" the system responded, its tone as sarcastic as ever.

Adrian shook his head, knowing he had no one to blame but himself. "Next time, I'm definitely using that technique. But I'm not paying for your ridiculous service reminder."

The system's voice took on a mockingly disappointed tone. "Suit yourself, Host. Just don't come crying to me when you forget again."

Adrian sighed, rubbing his temples as he tried to shake off the regret. He couldn't dwell on missed opportunities; he had to focus on what lay ahead.

He moved to the window, looking out at the sprawling estate grounds. The training he needed to undergo, the mission to reach Level 10, and the looming threat of the Baron all weighed heavily on him.

"Focus, Adrian," he reminded himself, pulling his thoughts back to the tasks at hand. He couldn't afford to get distracted. His path was clear: train, grow stronger, and prepare for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Just as he was about to head out, a soft knock at the door caught his attention.

"Come in," Adrian called out.

The door opened, and Chris stepped in, her elegant presence filling the room. Today, she wasn't dressed in her usual maid uniform; instead, she wore a lovely, graceful outfit befitting a noble lady, highlighting her stunning beauty.

Her long blonde hair was perfectly styled, cascading down her back, and her deep blue eyes, always poised and graceful, held a warmth that had only deepened over the years she had served him.

"Good morning, Lord Adrian," Chris greeted him with a slight bow, her voice soft and respectful, yet tinged with a familiarity that spoke of their close bond.

Adrian was momentarily taken aback by the sight of her. Chris had always been beautiful, but seeing her in this new attire, adorned like a noblewoman, left him speechless. The transformation was striking, and it emphasized her natural elegance in a way that made his heart skip a beat. She was stunning, and for a brief moment, he felt as if he were seeing her for the first time.