
With Christine standing before him, Adrian couldn't help but notice how much she resembled her older sister, Chris. The shy yet determined look in her eyes reminded him of when he first met Chris. He gave her a warm smile, hoping to put her at ease.

"You don't need to be nervous, Christine. We're going to get along just fine," Adrian reassured her, his voice gentle.

Christine blushed slightly, nodding. "Thank you, Milord. I'll do my best."

Adrian chuckled softly as he caressed her head "I have no doubt about that. Also like I mentioned earlier, call me big brother, okay? How about I show you around the manor? It'll give us a chance to get to know each other better."

Christine's eyes lit up with excitement. "I'd love that!"

Adrian offered her his arm, and she hesitated for a moment before taking it. As they walked through the halls of Everhart Manor, Adrian pointed out various rooms, sharing stories about the place. Christine listened intently, occasionally asking questions, her nervousness slowly fading away.

As they passed by the grand staircase, Adrian paused. "This is where I first met your sister. He recalled the memories of real Adrian's meeting with Chris ," he said with a smile, reminiscing. "She was so nervous back then, but she quickly became someone I could rely on."

Christine looked up at him, her expression softening. "She always spoke highly of you, big brother. She said you were kind and always made her feel safe."

Adrian felt a warmth in his chest at her words. "I'm glad she feels that way. And I hope you'll feel the same, Christine."

Christine nodded, her grip on his arm tightening slightly. "I already do, big brother."

Adrian smiled down at her, touched by her words. "Let's continue the tour. There's still a lot to see."

They spent the next hour exploring the manor, with Adrian showing Christine everything from the library to the gardens. By the time they returned to the main hall, Christine was visibly more relaxed, her earlier nervousness replaced by a sense of comfort.

"Thank you for showing me around, big brother. It was really nice," Christine said, smiling up at him.

"You're welcome, Christine. I'm glad we had this time together," Adrian replied, ruffling her hair affectionately. "If you ever need anything or have questions, don't hesitate to come to me."

Christine beamed at him. "I will, big brother."

As they stood there, a sense of ease settled between them. Adrian knew that, like her sister, Christine would soon become an important part of his life.

He then dismissed her for today and parted ways with her.

After showing Christine around the manor, Adrian felt a growing sense of contentment.

She had quickly warmed up to him, and he was glad to have her as part of his household.

However, as his stomach growled, reminding him of the breakfast he had yet to eat, he decided it was time to head to the dining hall.

As Adrian entered, he immediately spotted Sophia already seated at the table, enjoying her meal.

The moment their eyes met, Sophia blushed slightly, memories of the previous night flooding her mind. Adrian noticed her reaction and couldn't help but smile, feeling a rush of affection for his sister.

"Good morning, my beautiful big sister Sophia," Adrian greeted her warmly as he took his seat beside her.

"Good morning, Adrian," she replied, her voice a bit shy but filled with warmth. She looked away for a moment, trying to regain her composure.

The intimacy they had shared last night was still fresh in her mind, and it made her heart flutter.

As they began eating breakfast, Adrian couldn't help but steal glances at Sophia, enjoying the quiet, comfortable atmosphere between them. However, he noticed that something seemed to be on her mind.

"Is everything alright, Sophia?" he asked gently, his tone filled with concern.

Sophia looked up at him, her expression a bit hesitant. "Actually, Adrian, I wanted to talk to you about something. I won't be able to accompany you for training today."

Adrian paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. "Why not?" he asked, trying to hide his disappointment.

Sophia sighed softly, setting down her utensils. "As the commander now, I have responsibilities that I can't ignore. Today, I need to attend the recruitment of new soldiers for our army. With Father gone, this duty falls to me, and I can't neglect it."

Adrian nodded in understanding, though he couldn't completely hide his disappointment. "I understand, Sophia. It's important work, and I'm proud of you for stepping up. But I'll miss having you with me today."

Sophia gave him a small, reassuring smile. "I'll miss being with you too, Adrian. But I know you'll do well. You're getting stronger every day, and I have complete faith in you."

Her words brought a sense of comfort to Adrian, even though he couldn't help but feel a bit let down that he wouldn't have her company today.

"I suppose I'll have to tackle the Shadowgrove Forest on my own then," he said with a half-smile. "It just won't be the same without you there to back me up."

Sophia reached across the table and gently squeezed his hand. "You'll do just fine. And besides, this will be a good chance for you to challenge yourself. You've already come so far, Adrian."

Her encouragement eased some of his disappointment. He smiled back at her, squeezing her hand in return. "Thank you, Sophia. I'll do my best."

They finished their breakfast together, the bond between them stronger than ever. As they parted ways, Adrian couldn't help but feel a mix of determination and anticipation. Today's training would be a test of his skills and strength, and though he would face it alone, he was ready to prove himself.

With a final nod to Sophia, Adrian left the dining hall and prepared himself for another day of training to level and complete his mission, in the Shadowgrove Forest.