Ambush Part 2

Adrian's eyes narrowed as he sized up the remaining six men, each one a potential threat. He felt the weight of his dagger in his hand, a familiar comfort that he had come to rely on. But this time, something was different.

The enchanted dagger felt lighter, his movements sharper, more precise. It was as if his body had finally caught up with his mind, and he knew he had to strike with deadly precision.

He targeted Rufus first, a hulking brute whose size and strength made him a formidable opponent, but whose lack of speed made him vulnerable.

Adrian dashed forward, his enhanced agility making the world blur around him as he closed the distance in an instant. Rufus barely had time to raise his sword before Adrian slipped under his guard, driving his dagger deep into Rufus's side.

The blade found its mark with unerring accuracy, slicing through vital organs. Rufus crumpled to the ground, his strength failing him as life drained away.

As Adrian pulled his dagger free, he realized just how far he had come. The power in his limbs, the speed of his movements—it was all a testament to the countless hours of training, the battles fought, and the will to survive.

The realization hit him like a jolt of lightning. He was no longer the inexperienced boy who had stumbled into this brutal world; he was a warrior, a force to be reckoned with.

Doran and Ryker, seasoned fighters who had seen their share of battles, moved in to flank him. They coordinated their attack, their swords swinging in unison, trying to corner Adrian.

But Adrian's newfound strength and agility allowed him to twist and turn, dodging their strikes with minimal effort. He could almost feel their desperation as they tried to land a blow, but he was always one step ahead.

He focused on Doran next, recognizing him as the slightly weaker of the two. With a swift, upward slash, Adrian's dagger sliced through Doran's armor, carving a deep wound across his chest. Doran staggered back, blood pouring from the gash as his strength failed him.

Adrian's mind raced with the implications—how much stronger had he become? The thought was both exhilarating and sobering.

He had the power to end lives with a flick of his wrist, and with that power came a responsibility he was still coming to terms with.

Ryker, seeing his comrade fall, let out a roar of anger and charged at Adrian with reckless abandon. But Adrian anticipated the move. He sidestepped Ryker's wild swing and delivered a powerful strike to Ryker's exposed neck, severing arteries.

Ryker's eyes widened in shock as he collapsed, blood spraying from the fatal wound. Adrian felt a surge of adrenaline, the thrill of battle coursing through his veins. Yet, beneath that thrill was a deep sense of clarity. He was in control, and nothing could stop him.

Jaxon and Balen, the two highest-leveled men in the group, knew they had to stop Adrian before he could pick them off as well.

They moved in together, Jaxon swinging his axe in wide arcs while Balen tried to corner Adrian with his sword. But Adrian was relentless, his movements a blur as he parried Jaxon's strikes and evaded Balen's attempts to trap him.

Spotting an opening, Adrian ducked under Jaxon's swing and slashed at the back of the man's knees, severing tendons.

Jaxon let out a scream of pain as he dropped to the ground, unable to stand. With a swift motion, Adrian drove his dagger into Jaxon's heart, ending his life. The ease with which he dispatched Jaxon was startling.

A part of him wondered if he had always had this potential, or if something within him had awakened during the fight with the Alpha Gloom Wolf.

Balen, now alone and desperate, lunged at Adrian with all his might. But Adrian was ready. He deflected Balen's attack with his dagger, then countered with a precise stab to Balen's side.

The blade sank deep, piercing vital organs. Balen gasped, his strength fading, and fell to his knees before collapsing beside his fallen comrades.

Adrian watched as Balen's life ebbed away, and for a moment, he felt a pang of regret. But there was no time for remorse; this was survival, and he was good at it.

Only the envoy, Darian, and Flint, who had hesitated in the face of Adrian's onslaught, remained standing.

Flint, realizing the hopelessness of the situation, turned and tried to flee. But Adrian wasn't about to let him escape.

He threw his dagger with deadly accuracy, the blade spinning through the air before embedding itself in Flint's back. Flint stumbled and fell face-first into the dirt, dead before he hit the ground.

As Adrian retrieved his dagger from Flint's lifeless body, he couldn't help but marvel at his own growth.

The realization that he had become this strong, this deadly, was both empowering and terrifying. He had always known he had potential, but this... this was something else entirely.

With the lesser threats neutralized, Adrian turned his focus to the envoy, Darian. The man looked pale, his confidence shaken as he realized he was now alone.

But before Adrian could advance, Darian screamed at Eve, threatening her with vile words meant to break her resolve.

"You stupid slut! If you don't attack and kill him, I'll tell the Baron that you disobeyed his orders. Let's see him cut his funds to cure your slut mother!" Darian's voice was laced with venom, the words cutting through the air like a blade.

"You dare..." Eve's voice trembled with fury, her hand raising as mana surged through her veins. A fiery orb materialized in her palm, its heat distorting the air around it as it grew brighter and more intense, the flames reflecting the anger in her eyes.

Darian, sensing the shift in the situation, began to panic. He decided to escalate his threats, his voice dripping with malice. "Come kill me, I'm right here. Let's see if you have the guts. I wonder how the Baron will torture your mother when he finds out that you killed me, from your own mouth."