Chaper 125: Grand Finale

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and honoured patrons,

"We have arrived at the pinnacle of tonight's event. As we near the conclusion of this extraordinary evening, it is my pleasure to present to you the crowning jewel of our auction—the pièce de résistance that I am sure you have all heard rumours of prior to the auction and are waiting to behold.

Tonight's final item is not merely an artifact; it is a legend in its own right—a symbol of access to unparalleled power and the wisdom of the ancients. Allow me to introduce to you the God's Eye."

The auctioneer gestured to a velvet-draped pedestal where a small round shining crystal was bathed in a halo of light.

Kain was confused. He couldn't sense any particularly strong spiritual power coming from the object. Why was it the last auction item to be presented?