Chapter 463: The Second Attempt

Kain went to the basement of the newly constructed.

Thoughtfully, due to his current status as an evolutionary planner and researcher, Collin and his family decided to construct a private area in the basement, just for him, meant to double as a private lab and office for himself.

Naturally, due to all of their lack of knowledge on how lab are typically set up there were many shortcomings when compared to his lab on the college campus, and his lab provided by the System, but it was more than enough to serve as an isolated and soundproof location for the procedure Kain was about to perform.

Kain had invited his four oldest siblings—Bridge, Milo (now 16 years old), and the twins Jasper and Jasmine (14 years old)—to observe the procedure. They stood near the doorway, their eyes wide with curiosity.