Chapter 22

☆ ☆ Kayn ☆ ☆

Once we received word that my daughter's true mate had been found, I immediately took my Beta Liam and his wife Layla to Alpha Grey's estate in Montrose, Michigan, temporarily leaving my Gamma Marcus in charge of the pack to await my orders.

We got on a flight that day and arrived on the morning of the last waning crescent moon; we still had 16 days before the prophecy would be completed. A car was awaiting our arrival at the Bishop International Airport. After loading into the car, we were there within 30 minutes.

Alpha Grey had done phenomenally for his pack, the benefit of still having his Luna, I was sure. He easily had twice the members of my own. As we approached his estate, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of inadequacy. I was so lost without Rayne by my side, and it showed in the current state of my pack. Nevertheless, I put up a pompous front before exiting the vehicle; besides, it would be Kara who would bring a Lycan King into this world.

Alpha Grey greeted us at the gates of his estate, his presence commanding respect. "Thank you for your swift response.", He said. We shook hands, and I replied, "Of course, the future of all wolves is at stake." My Beta and his wife, Layla, bowed their heads in deference to the other Alpha. I could hear the muffled cries of a wolf in the distance.

He led us down the cobblestone path; a thick blanket of snow had been pushed to either side, exposing the steps to the entrance of his pack house. "Alpha Garren is already inside, and my Luna is tending to your daughter's mate.", he continued. Kara's mate was already injured. I scoffed; this didn't bode well for our futures. 

"I'd like to see the young man who is mated to my daughter.", I said calmly. "Alpha Kayne, I don't think you understand fully. He's stuck in his shift. He has only been able to communicate with his father, Alpha Garren, and their pack's Beta through their mind link."

I thought for a moment. Is this how the mate from the prophecy could find his Luna? Alpha Grey continued, "I think it's best that you speak with Alpha Garren to get updated on the situation." I nodded and grunted at his statement. 

We followed him to a conference room. There, a large solid oak table was surrounded by fourteen chairs, with ample space between each seat. As we entered, a projector screen was centered on the wall to the left of the door, and a PowerPoint presentation was opened. Only two of the seats were in use.

Alpha Garren sat at the head furthest from the door. His dark, weathered appearance had seen many frigid winters. He had a magnificent beard that he stroked as he sat in the chair, swiveling it back and forth. 

His Beta jumped up and immediately greeted me with the same respect my Beta and Layla had shown Alpha Grey earlier. "'Bout time you showed up.", Alpha Garren said. His voice was unexpected, and his tone was jollier than I anticipated. He walked over to us and punched me in the shoulder, "We'll be grandpappies soon enough." 

I looked at him confusingly, "Oh, we can put the formalities aside. You and I are practically family.", he continued. "Ah.", I brushed the spot on my shoulder where he had punched me. I didn't know how to be anything other than rigid. 

"What have you found out?", I asked. He responded, stroking his beard, "Straight to the point, I like that in a man." I sat next to him, followed by my Beta and Layla. "D'you often invite your women to these things?", he asked as Layla seated herself. 

"Not normally, no, but there are extenuating circumstances. Please, Alpha Garren, continue.", I responded. He finally continued, "Alright, alright, enough small talk, I'll get straight to the point." Finally, I thought to myself. 

Alpha Garren changed his demeanor to match mine, "My son Jayce was forced into his shift five nights ago; he was drawn to follow a red thread, at least that's what he's calling it. He has tried to shift back countless times, but it's pointless."

He paused for a moment, "Jayce has only tracked the faint red line and slept afterward to recover from the exhaustion of his travels before them tranquilizing him and locking him up in a cage downstairs." 

He broke eye contact briefly, and I could see the worry spread across his bearded face, "The snow has caused some stage 2 frostbite on the pads of his paws, but Alpha Grey's Luna thinks he'll be fine when it's time to battle against those blood-sucking cretins. She's been caring for him, mending the blisters and such."

Alpha Garren paused again, his eyes hot from trying to stay strong, "Thank you for your intel; I strongly believe that if you had not acted so soon, he would have succumbed to his injuries or, at the very least, lost his limbs." 

He perked up again, "But now we have a fighting chance." I smiled in kind to his statement, "I, too, had to make many sacrifices regarding my daughter, but now, at least, we can put this prophecy to rest." 

I tapped my finger on the table and thought momentarily, "Alpha Garren, I desperately need to speak with your son to let him know what he's up against. Would you mind accompanying me and utilizing your mind link with him?"

He replied, "Of course not, you Betas, behave yourselves." He stood, and I followed him out the door, but not before growling, "Watch her." Beta Liam nodded, and Layla crossed her arms in resentment. 

I followed Alpha Garren to the basement to meet with his son. Alpha Grey and his Luna were already down there tending to the wolf.

At least he looked worthy in terms of size. He was not yet an Alpha himself, but he was easily the size of my own Beta. That was impressive and gave me more hope for our future. 

His coat was as white as the snow save for a few red markings at the points of his ears, mask, and shoulders. He had piercing golden orange eyes, and I could sense the urgency he felt being locked in the cage. 

The cries I heard from him earlier were not those of physical turmoil but the desperation to find his mate. I could see a sense of parallelism, with him potentially losing his mate now and mine having been lost for over eighteen years. 

Jayce whimpered as his father knelt down, "Son, this is Alpha Kayn, your father-in-law. He needs to talk to you. I will use my mind link to translate your responses now, okay?" Jayce nodded and gazed at me intently.

I began, "Kara was able to contact Layla two days ago. Layla has been like a surrogate mother to Kara, and she holds her trust. That is how we were able to find you." He nodded and looked at his father. Alpha Garren began speaking for his son, "Is Kara okay?"

I sighed. I knew I needed to strike a chord to anger him. Additional strength would come from his anger; if I could let him seethe, it would only benefit us. I embellished slightly: "According to Layla, this Vampire James has her under some trance; he may be already feeding off of her. She thinks he loves her and, in turn, is falling in love with him."

Jayce returned his stare toward his father, "I'll make him suffer when I sink my teeth into him for hurting her before ending his pathetic life. Alpha Garren smirked and proclaimed proudly, "That's my boy."

I continued, "His spell over Kara will be broken the second she lays eyes on you; she will know in her soul that you are her true mate; this will temporarily reignite your mate bond. I know she's somewhere in Ashville, North Carolina, and we will get you there well before the full moon." Alpha Garren interrupted, translating for his son, "The sooner, the better; I'm ready now!"

I looked toward the Luna for guidance on Jayce's current state of health. She chimed in, "I feel he will be fully recovered in nine to thirteen more days, but I will reassess as time progresses and update the leaders, of course." 

I turned back to Jayce, "We can't be rash; once we get there, we will figure out where she is exactly and create a plan of action after scouting the place out. They will have the home advantage, and we must give ourselves the best chance."

His father translated once more, "I understand. I'm just eager to meet my mate and rid the earth of that disgusting vampire." I nodded, "Just trust us. We will do what is best for our kind."

The Luna spoke again, "Alright, it's time for him to get more rest." She shooed us out of the room, but before we had all left, she said, "Honey, see about catching him another deer to eat for dinner tonight." Alpha Grey responded in kind, "Yes, dear, I'll get some pack members on it right away."

With my words in his ear stoking the flames of rage, I had done all I could to help the situation. With Alpha Garren by my side, we returned back upstairs, leaving the wolf to his own devices.