Chapter 29

☆ ☆ Kayn ☆ ☆

The cold winters in Virginia couldn't prepare me for the harsh ones in Michigan. The moisture on my snout seemed to freeze instantly as I took my shift scouting a section of Alpha Gray's land. The snow on the grounds crunched beneath my weight, but more falling snow soon covered my tracks. 

Alpha Garren's son Jayce was wise beyond his years. His brilliant recommendation that we increase our numbers to tighten security around the new moon, when we were most vulnerable, was a good one; even if we didn't anticipate an attack, it was better to be cautious given the circumstances. 

After an hour of patrolling the grounds, my paws ached, and I felt empathetic to Jayce's tribulations. He had traveled alone, stuck in his shift, following a red thread of hope that was leading him to his mate. 

I pitied him. Even for a short time, having Rayne as my mate was worth all the hardships. On the other hand, Jayce's situation seemed doomed from the start. Kara's unique eyes placed a hardship on them both. I had three more hours to familiarize myself with the lay of the land at Alpha Gray's estate.

A meeting was scheduled at noon following my rotation, and then I would get some rest before going on a more extended night shift. Surrounding the pack house was a clearing extending roughly a quarter of a mile in each direction. A dense forest immediately met the clearing, and his land extended several acres beyond that.

For tonight's new moon, we would essentially cut his domain to a fourth of its actual size, increasing our numbers in the patrolled area. This adjustment in manpower would allow for better communication and increased readiness should an attack happen. 

I continued familiarizing myself with the terrain and directions and became accustomed to the everyday scents. The most common trees on the property were sugar maple, hemlock, and basswood. The secondary species included quaking aspen and white ash. They each had their own distinct smells. My wolf appreciated these things more than I did; all I could concentrate on was my stinging paws.

There were thirty minutes left on my rotation, and I was thankful for the glow of the sun; it wasn't warm, but at least it tricked my mind momentarily, and the snow had ceased for the moment. I made one last loop around the property before heading back inside. Before entering, I shifted back into my human form and slipped on the shorts I had left at the entrance. 

My hands and feet were vibrantly red, and the feeling of pins and needles was severe. I went to the adjoining bathroom in the guest room I was staying in and turned on the shower. I had another thirty minutes or so to get ready before the meeting. The shower stung and felt much hotter than the water actually was. I was only in there briefly in an attempt to warm up my extremities. 

I dried off and quickly got dressed. I had a little time to grab a quick bite to eat before attending the leaders' meeting. I grabbed a pre-made sandwich downstairs from one of the pack kitchens. I bit into the simple sandwich, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mayo on white bread. It wasn't enough, but it would have to do for the time being, and I could eat more once the meeting was over.

I walked into the conference room; the Betas were already there waiting. I was the first of the Alphas to arrive. I checked my watch, and it was three minutes before the meeting was supposed to take place. I sat between the empty seat at the head of the table and my Beta Liam. Morgana was already seated across from me with her manila envelope to the left of Alpha Gray's seat at the head of the table. Alpha Garren entered with Alpha Gray, and each took their respective seats. 

We discussed the final plan and set forth the rotating scouting schedule for the night. I would lead the first shift from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., Alpha Gray would lead from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., and Alpha Garren would lead from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m. Our betas would be with us respectively but would be allowed an overlap time to give a status report if anything stood out. 

Once we had finished our discussion locally, Morgana pressed the intercom button, "Call Ulfric Draven and the others." We waited momentarily as the others were added to the call, and then the speakers cracked to life. Ulfric Draven instantly commanded all those on the call, "Silence. Beta Morgana, what is our latest update?" 

Morgana spoke, "Jayce's healing is still on schedule. We should decide which pack house will host us so that travel arrangements can be made." Ulfric Draven interrupted her, "I will fund our stay at a nearby hotel for all those willing to fight. Jayce being stuck in his shift, and the leaders currently at Alpha Gray's house will be the only ones to be hosted at a nearby pack house." He paused briefly, "Who's pack is closest to Asheville, North Carolina?" 

A voice spoke out with a thick southern twang, "My pack in Black Mountain is eleven miles east of Asheville. Our pack isn't as large as most, but we will graciously host the mate and families of the future Lycan King." "It's settled.", Ulfric Draven's voice boomed, and then he spoke to his Beta, "Book a hotel near the Black Mountain pack; I don't care about the cost, and make sure the hotel can house all 578 warriors.

I heard a door close in the background, and I assumed his Beta had gone to start accomplishing their newly assigned task. "We'll reconvene on this topic once we have solidified arrangements. Let's say two to three days. Unless there is anything else pressing focus on training in the meantime." 

A resounding "Yes, Sir." was heard before the line went dead. I waited momentarily, "If there's nothing more, I'm going to get a nice meal and head to bed before my patrol." Alpha Grey chimed in, "Excellent idea; I'll join you before doing the same." Alpha Garren grunted in agreement. "There's a great steakhouse nearby; my treat.", Alpha Gray said.

He continued, "Morgana, call Redwood and order seven 12 oz H.A.B Delmonico, Medium Rare, with the white cheddar mashed potatoes and house salads. Send someone to bring them here." I guess he ordered two for himself, as only six of us were in the room. "One's for the wife; if I don't get her something, she'll be pissed, and I'll be sleeping on the couch.", Alpha Gray chuckled and scratched the back of his head as if he was recalling the last time he had ordered food and didn't get her something, too.

While we waited on our food, I discussed what we should do with Layla once we were ready to leave. Liam said, "You and I both know she looks at Kara as if she were one of her own." I sighed and kneaded my eyebrows together with my fingers, "Yes, she's too emotionally attached to think rationally."

Morgana chimed in, "From a woman's perspective, the emotional attachment she has could be valuable in getting Kara away if we allow her to go. Kara obviously trusts her; if we use that to our advantage, perhaps Kara's demise won't be inevitable if we feel that the fight isn't going in our favor.

We all pondered momentarily; I looked at Morgana and said, "If you can convince her of that, we can discuss this possibility further; Layla is done listening to me." Morgana nodded, "After we make sure things are okay after the new moon tonight, I will talk to her." We ended our discussion just as one of the pack members brought the food to us. 

Alpha Gray said, "Tell the Luna to join us in here." Before the younger member left, he responded swiftly, "Yes, Sir." Morgana distributed the to-go packages and repositioned herself next to my Beta, allowing the Luna to sit beside her Alpha when she arrived.

We all dug into our meals after the Luna came in; Alpha Gray was correct. The steak was delicious, well-seasoned, and juicy. I devoured my meal swiftly and bid the others adieu before heading to my room to sleep until my patrol time.


The night air was frigid, and my paws stung immediately against the ice-covered snow. Despite it being a new moon, there was plenty of light in the night sky. I looked up to investigate. The beauty of the Aurora Borealis caught my breath. Greenish blue lights swirled and danced in the night sky. They remained brilliantly vivid for a minute before becoming barely perceptible and the darkness resumed. They continued to flicker in and out throughout my quiet patrol. It was safe to say there would be no attack tonight. The only casualties were our frozen paws. Regardless, I was still happy to experience the one-in-a-lifetime memory, and my inner wolf desperately wished that my Luna could have witnessed it with me.