Crying over spilled lunch.


Ace yelled out in frustration, Prompting hateful glares from some students in the classroom, because he had interrupted their peaceful meditation.

"Sorry." Ace swiftly apologised-as quietly as possible-so as to not further disturb their meditation.

Though that didn't seem to satiate some students anger as they still kept that hateful look in their eyes, But who could blame them, they could have been on the cusp of sensing their core, when Ace disturbed them.

Alhough pissed they went back to their peaceful meditation.

After the hateful glares of the students subsided, Ace brooded internally,

'If I knew I wouldn't get a chance to eat it, I would have just ate it on the train here.'

Ace hung his laptop bag on his shoulder, then went out of the class, full of hunger and negative thoughts.

He went to the Academy cafeteria to get some food.

'I hope the cafeteria food is free, because I've got not a single penny on me.'

Ace arrived at the cafeteria, meeting very few people around.

Though that wasn't what was on Ace's mind the only thing he did, was food.


Ace said to the food staff behind the cafeteria counter.

Taking a deep breath before asking the dreaded question.

"How much is food here?"

"It depends on your talent," The fourty-year old female chef said to Ace in rough voice, unbefiting for a woman.

Ace eyes lit up at that.

"Just scan your I.D over that square over there and order your food." The cook said.

Ace swiftly scanned his I.D over it and saw a light blue glow rise up from the machine.

But Ace was in no mood to observe the mysteries of magic he ordered two bowls of rice and curry sauce, and also requested some nutrient pills, that was described to provide nutrients enough for seven days.

The meal was swiftly delivered through a conveyor like tube beside the cook.

Ace snatched the food as quickly as possible going over to a table in the corner of the cafeteria and devouring his food.

That night Ace at five servings of food before he had his fill.

Ace stumbled back to the where he saw the old man, rubbing his bloated tummy on his way there.

After arriving there, Ace was about to open the door but the old man stopped him.

"Boy, why are you here?"

Ace looked at him with annoyed look.

"Isn't it obvious I'm going into the academy dormitory."

The old man went silent for a while, then spoke.

"That isn't the academy dormitory, that's my living quarters, Kid."

An awkward silence ensued,

"But- But I was here earlier." Ace stuttered in confusion.

"That was because I let you sleep there for the night, since you didn't have an I.D, so you couldn't enter the student dormitory"

Sigh ~ sigh

Ace took two deep breaths before apologizing to the old man and walking away.

'Such an awkward moment.'

He followed the same wooden signs he found earlier that led him to the academy only this time he followed the arrows that led him to the students dormitory.

Ace navigated through academy campus arriving at a three story building with the words "First year Dormitory" engraved at the top of it.

He went inside the building only to see a buff man with grery hair standing at a counter.

"Hey" The buff man said.

Ace pointed at himself to ask if he was calling him.

"Yes! You! Freshman"he yelled with sharp but short voice

Ace walked over to him pondering on why this man was calling him.

"Show me your I.D" He ordered in an authoritative tone, his voice resounding through the lobby and striking Ace's ears.

Ace, a little apprehensive on handing his I.D to the scary looking guy, hesitated.

'The way he called me "freshman!" was so weird, It's like he is a senior student looking to embarrass a freshman on their fist day.

The grey haired man scrunched up his face in annoyance.

Ace's heart skipped a beat when he saw the signs of discomfort on his face

'Oh great he's gonna beat me up now'

"Stop looking at me like I'm going to eat it, I'm your warden"

The grey haired brute seeing Ace's dismay brought out his I.D to back up the contents of his words.

Name:Custos griffin

Talent:A grade



"Sure here's my I.D." said A ce.

The gray haired man took Ace's I.D, went being the counter and scanned it on something causing a flash of blue light to arise from the card.

"Here's your card back; your room is on the card."

Ace took back the card, finding extra information engraved on it.

Name: Ace Virvitanima

Talent: Special grade

Job:Student; Class 1A

Dormitory: Year 1 boys; Floor 3; Room 4.

Ace went up the stairs, to the third floor, meeting a group of students on the second floor chatting quietly with each other.

Ace recognized some of them from the class earlier before.

Ace ignored them, climbing further up the building, onto the third floor.

Ace looked around the floor, and saw a circular row of doors littering the edges of the third floor.

As there was a circular hole down the middle of the floor, that offered viewpoint through the second floor and into the bottom floor.

There were some people down there sparring, though they were nothing out of the ordinary, just mundane fist to flesh.

After Ace peeked down the railing surrounding the circular hole, to check what was down there, he turned around and looked for his room number.


The door beeped after Ace scanned it, filled by an inaudible click in the door that unlocked it.

"Woah." Ace said in visible suprise as he looked at the light blue bulbs illuminating the entire room.

"This place is so big! This is bigger than my house, Just wow."

Ace was so overwhelmed by the size and luxury of his room, he didn't even know where to start.