Killing 5 birds with one stone.

Ace felt bitter on the inside, he had come to class this morning hoping for all his questions to be answered, but he came out with more questions than he came in here with.

"That damn teacher ~Tsk ~ He was in such a hurry to get out of here, you'd think he was rushing to save the world."

Ace muttered in displeasure.

'But atleast on the bright side, I resolved some of the doubts that I had.'

'I've found out, the purple ocean that within my core is called Aether.'

But on the other hand Ace had still not found out the shortcut to gain access to mana, He thought he got the answer to his question when he heard the teacher say; "Aether turns into vitality, spirit, or mana when it leaves the core, depending on your affinity." But then he realised, because of his multiple affinities, it was more complicated for him. A disadvantage to his great talent.

If he only had an affinity to mana, it would be so much simpler, all he needed to do was to pump aether out of his core and Voilà!, As easy as pie, he would gain access to it.

'But the pros of having multiple affinities definitely outweighs the cons, and it wasn't like cons were

severe problems, it was just a temporary inconvenience that would go away as soon as he had a proper introduction to the general knowledge in Astreal .'

"It would have been much easier if I was a noble, I would've already learnt all this when I was a toddler." Ace mumbled, as he rested his gaze on one of the students in the class.

"But does it really matter? we've just started the semester, just because they learn this stuff earlier than me, doesn't mean anything." Ace silently reassured himself.

'It's time to go, ~Sigh ~ what a bummer I was really hoping to have all my questions answered today.' Ace mused as he flung the strap of his laptop bag over his shoulder.

Bu just before, he was about to stand up and leave the class, the blond haired girl from this morning started to walk towards his table.

'Is it me or she's coming towards me?' Ace wondered.

But as she came closer and closer to his desk, he became sure that she was in fact, walking towards him.

"But what for?" Ace asked himself, confused as to why she was walking towards him.

"Hey." The blonde haired girl said as she reached his table. "My name is Emilia, Emilia tyche from the holy order, would you mind telling me what's yours?" she introduced herself, her melodious voice rang out soothing the nerves of whoever heard it.

Her voice caused countless heads to turn in Ace's direction.

'Great! there goes my low profile.'

Ace ignored the envious gazes from the students in the class, and spoke to her. "My name's Ace, but Emilia, would you mind telling me why you approached me?"

Ace was truly confused at to why she had approached him.

'Was it due to my manly charms?' Ace took a ridiculous guess, 'It couldn't be right, I don't think I'm that handsome.'

"I came to help you" Emilia said while smiling brightly at him.

Ace skepticaly scanned her, "Help me for what? I don't think I need any help."

She scoffed, and rolled her eyes.

"Judging from your obliviousness towards what meridians are, you're severely lacking common knowledge, so I am generously offering to help you."

"But why me? I'm sure they're are a lot of other students in this class who are as ignorant as me, so why didn't you go to them."

Ace was suspicious of this woman's overly nice character.

Maybe it was just him being overly paranoid because she was from the holy order.

'Maybe they caught on that I was a transmigrator and sent a beautiful lady to seduce and kill me,'

'but I'm afraid they'd be disappointed, my heart is completely focused exploring the fantasical world of Astreal, and I'm fifteen— way too young for any romance in my life.'

Ace painted a completely unrealistic and unlikely situation in his mind as he wondered why Emilia had offered her help.

Emilia's eyebrows scrunched up lightly and a hint of annoyance crept into her voice.

"I offered you help you because, you come from a common background but you have a great talent, I just felt It was such a pity, that despite your high talent your going to fall behind us, wasting your time learning the fundamentals, because you come from a commoner household."

"Who's going to fall behind who? You started earlier than me sure, but that doesn't mean anything, I bet after three weeks I'll have caught up."

Emilia responded in a smug tone.

"Since you're so confident about it, I'll just go away, you'll learn about it in two weeks anyways."

Emilia shrugged and turned round, before Ace called out to her.


"Yeah? What?" Emilia acted oblivious to why he was calling out to her.

"Ok fine, I accept."Ace acquiesced

Even though he knew, she was using reverse psychology to convince him to accept her help, but he couldn't resist, his curiousity didn't let him, his desire for knowledge didn't let him.

"Accept what?" Emilia asked, still acting oblivious.

Ace took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said in a serious manner.

"I accept you Emilia Tyche as my tutor and friend in Culmen Academy on the 14th of July, 476 AC, so long as you sincerely teach me all you know about Astreal, with no strings attached."

"Is that specific enough?" Ace asked in a sarcastic tone.

'Ok the friend part earlier wasn't necessary, but I was currently a social recluse in Culmen, since I had virtually little to no human interactions and no circle of friends, but now, with this ingenious move by me, not only would I gain exclusive noble knowledge, I would also gain the friendship of emilia, a person so trustworthy and full of chivalry like. It's like I just killed five birds with one stone."

"Uhhh, sure that's enough." said Emilia stunned and speechless, "but, why does it seem like I'm the one begging to teach you?"

Ace raised an eyebrow.

"You weren't?"