9 Spar


Giyu's and Sabito's wooden swords clashed, producing a heavy sound that resonated through the forest. The force of their collision caused a slight tremor, and Sabito instantly realized something.

This boy, Giyu was significantly stronger than his appearance suggested. Sabito had used only about half of his strength in that first attack, yet it had been blocked effortlessly.

Sabito retreated a step, taking a deep breath before dashing to Giyu's side, and swung his sword upward toward Giyu's chin, this time with all his strength, but Giyu blocked the strike once again. The two continued their sparring, their swords meeting in a series of powerful clashes.

Sbito's movements were fluid as he lowered his body, following up with a series of rapid strikes, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. yet Giyu blocks each one without changing his expression.

"You're amazing, Giyu-san," Sabito remarked, leaping back to catch his breath. After seeing Giyu block his initial attack, Sabito had abandoned the idea of holding back. He still refrained from using a Breathing Style against someone who hadn't learned one yet, Sabito wasn't holding back.

Yet despite his best efforts, Sabito could feel himself losing ground witch each sword clash. Giyu was like water, parrying or redirecting every attack from Sabito with little to no difficulty. Sabito began to worry he wont be able to even come close to landing a hit on his new friend, Giyu.

On the other hand, Giyu smiled happily. "You're the amazing one, Sabito. Your attacks are so precise and fast," he said, genuinely impressed. In his past life, Giyu had never won a sparring match against Sabito.

Now, Physically, they were about the same age with Sabito being just a little bit older, but Giyu was much more mature mentally, having experienced countless battles.

Either way, Sabito, a mere 13-year-old who had yet to experience life and death battles, was this skilled. 'As expected of Sabito,' Giyu thought.

Sabito grinned, ready to continue the sparring match even if it meant he would lose, but before he could rush at Giyu he was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, Sabito saw Master Urokodaki standing behind him. "Master," he called out.

"That's enough, Sabito," Urokodaki said calmly, his eyes shifting briefly to Giyu.The former water hashira had been watching from the beginning of the spar but decided to only show himself now after he got to see the extent of Giyu's abilities.

Shortly after, Makomo approached with two cups of water, offering one to each of them. Giyu thanked her and reached out to take a cup, but Urokodaki suddenly grabbed his arm.

Giyu was a little confused but immediately relaxed his arm, he trusted that Master Urokodaki would not harm him. The master began feeling the muscles on Giyu's arm, evaluating his physical condition.

'Although it doesn't look like it at first glance, his body is already in decent shape as well, He also had mastered the basics of swordsmanship at such a young age. His breathing was also very stable the entire time, could it be he had already learned about the total concentration breathing?' Urokodaki thought as he let go of Giyu's arm.

"Giyu," Urokodaki called out. "your swordsmanship is impressive, but if you want to become a Demon Slayer, that alone won't be enough. Did you ever hear of Breathing Techniques?"

Giyu froze for a moment. How could he not know about Breathing Techniques? He had been a Water Hashira in his past life. But Giyu didn't know what to say. He wasn't good at lying, and he didn't like to lie, but he also couldn't just reveal the truth. Giyu didnt want people to think he was crazy.

Giyu started sweating and avoiding eye contact with his master he whispered, "...No."

'He's lying,' Urokodaki thought. He could tell at a glance that Giyu wasn't a good liar. But despite Giyu's obvious lie, Urokodaki didn't press further. If the boy wasn't going to admit it, there was no point in forcing him. Urokodaki was going to explain either way

"Breathing Styles are swordsmanship techniques used in conjunction with a breathing method known as Total Concentration Breathing," Urokodaki explained. "You said you want to become a Demon Slayer. My job is to make sure you are ready by teaching you both of those skills"


"Giyu, do you have a favorite food?" Sabito asked between bites, munching on some food, his tone casual and curious.

Giyu, who was seated beside him, enjoying his own meal with a contented smile, he paused before answering. "I like simmered salmon," The two children quickly became friends after Giyu joined in their rigorous training regimen under Master Urokodaki.

And although Giyu was ahead of Sabito in terms of strenght, Urokodaki ensured that his training would be anything but easy. From meditating under the icy cascade of a freezing waterfall to enduring surprise attacks while rock climbing, Urokodaki pushed Giyu's body to his absolute limit.

Giyu nearly even drowned while training, when Urokodaki threw him into a lake, but at least he learned how to swim, something he hadn't known even in his past life. Coughing up the water from his lungs, Giyu reached for Sabito's extended hand as their friendship had just began.

(Author's note: Hate to say it two chapters in a row but If you're enjoying the story so far, please consider leaving a review. Thanks!)