12 Final selection (3)

The third day of the Final Selection arrived, and Sabito was relentlessly hunting for demons in the dark, foreboding forest. So far, he had slain seven demons on his own and even managed to save two other humans along the way. Although he was feeling a bit tired, the fact that the sun was due to rise in about four hours gave him some comfort. He knew, however, that he couldn't afford to let his guard down, especially in this forest.

"HELP!" Suddenly, a bone-chilling scream pierced the air. the desperation of it sending a shiver down Sabito's spine.

Without hesitation, Sabito sprinted in the direction of the scream, his heart pounding in his chest. 'Please, hang on until I arrive,' Sabito thought as he pushed himself to run even faster, his legs pumping furiously through the dense forest.

When he reached the source of the scream, his eyes widened in horror, and a grim expression settled on his face. Standing before him was a monstrously large demon, a hulking creature with pale green skin, its entire body covered in grotesque hands as thick as tree trunks.

But what enraged Sabito the most was the horrifying act the demon was committing: it was squeezing the young boy between several of those monstrous hands, crushing him slowly as if enjoying the boy's pain.

The boy's legs were mutilated, and his body was being compressed under the immense pressure, his face contorted in agony.. Sabito knew it was already to late for him and could only grid his teeth.

'He's using the boy as bait!' Sabito thought, the sickening reality dawning on him.

The boy's terrified eyes met Sabito's, and with his last breath, he whispered, "Help..." before the demon's grip tightened, squeezing the life out of him. The boy's lifeless body fell limp, fueling Sabito's fury.

"What do we have here? Looks like my food was delivered right to me, hihihihi," the demon cackled as his eyes turned to Sabito, its voice dripping with malevolence.

"You monster!" Sabito roared, his rage boiling over.

"Don't insult me little fox!" The demon's body suddenly flexed ,its muscles swelling and growing slightly in size he send two additional sets of arms burst forth. Sabito was quicker, he immediately took a stance, slicing through three of the demon's hands in one swift motion before avoiding the last one and leaping onto it, using it as a bridge to get closer to the demon's body.

"How irritating! You're like a pesky insect crawling towards me!" the demon taunted, irritated by Sabito's persistence as it continued to launch hands at him.

'Total Concentration' Cold air began to escape from Sabito's mouth as he charged forward.

"Water Breathing, Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!" Sabito yelled as his movements changed drastically, becoming fluid and unpredictable. He darted from hand to hand, cutting through some of them with swift, precise strikes. His steps were so light and graceful that it seemed as though he was walking on water, each step bringing him closer to the demon.

'He's getting too close,' the demon thought, a flicker of concern crossing its mind. But it quickly reassured itself. 'No need to worry, he won't be able to cut through my tough neck!'

Sabito reached the demon's head and swung his sword with all his might, aiming to decapitate the demon along with the arms protecting its neck, the sword passed through half of the hand before it stopped. Instead of the clean cut Sabito expected the sword got stuck halfway through his protective arm.

The demon flexed the muscles in its arm, a little shaken by the strike, and Sabito heard the devastating crack of his blade breaking against the demon's unnatural strength. Sabito's expression turned to one of shock as he stared at the broken remains of his sword, his mind reeling. 'No... this can't be happening,' he thought, despair beginning to creep in.

Suddenly, the distant sound of footsteps echoed through the forest, rapidly approaching.

The demon smirked, sensing Sabito's vulnerability, and immediately shot one of its hands towards his head. But before the demon could reach Sabito, the sudden sound of a sword cutting through the air rang out and the demon's hand was severed cleanly, while Sabito found himself being pulled back to safety, landing a good distance away from the demon.

"Another one?!" the demon bellowed in frustration, angered to see its prey being snatched away.

"Giyu!" Sabito called out, shocked and relieved to see his friend standing in front of him, his back turned towards him in a protective stance.

"Are you hurt, Sabito?" Giyu asked in his usual calm, dull tone, not taking his eyes off the demon.

Sabito snapped out of his daze, urgently warning his friend, "Giyu, we need to run! The hands wrapped around his neck are much tougher to cut through!" Sabito yelled, He feared that Giyu would fail as well and end up getting killed.

"You did a good job fighting until now" Giyu said, his expression unchanged "Leave the rest to me" and without heeding Sabito's warning, he dashed forward. The demon, enraged, unleashed his hands once more, but Giyu effortlessly ran past them as they hit the ground behind him, creating cracks in the earth.

'Water Breathing: Fourth Form: Striking Tide,' Giyu thought to himself, In an instant, his figure passed the demon, his sword slicing through the air with such speed and precision that the demon didn't even register the strike.

Giyu landed gracefully on the ground, he sheathed his sword with a calm expression. Behind him, the demon's body quivered before bursting into pieces, slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Sabito was speechless, amazed at the full extent of his friend's capabilities. He already knew Giyu was strong but not to this extend, effortlessly taking down the demon that had nearly killed him.

'Giyu... you really are incredible' Sabito thought, overwhelmed with relief and admiration for Giyu's performance