14 Completing a mission

Giyu, Sabito, and Makomo prepared for their journey, they bid farewell to Master Urokodaki, who stood at the entrance of his home. Sabito and Makomo both struggled to contain their emotions, especially Makomo, for whom Urokodaki had become a father figure and leaving him behind felt like stepping into a world of uncertainty.

With their new Slayer uniforms and freshly forged swords, the trio listenedto the crows' instructions and headed south to investigate the small town plagued by rumors of demons breaking into people's homes.

The journey was long, and Sabito couldn't shake his worry for the lives that might be lost if they didn't reach their destination in time. Determined, they decided to forget sleep and push forward. Thanks to their rigorous training and great stamina, the group managed to cover what would normally be a three-day journey in just 26 hours, arriving in the early hours of the morning.


Entering the town, the first light of the sun cast a faint glow over the quiet streets. The townspeople eyed them warily, their expressions a mix of fear and suspicion. Makomo noticed this immediately. "They're wary of us." her voice low and gentle.

Sabito nodded, his brow furrowing in thought. "Maybe they're just on edge because of the demons. They might not trust anyone they don't know."

Continuing through the town, Sabito spotted an older man sitting on a bench near the edge of the forest, his gaze fixed on the distant trees. The man's vacant expression and aimless stare drew Sabito's concern.

Approaching Sabito asked, "Excuse me, sir. We've heard rumors about people disappearing. Could you tell us if you've noticed anything unusual recently?"

The man turned to Sabito, his eyes dull with despair. For a moment, he seemed lost in his thoughts before he muttered, "Disappear..." Then, as if something inside him snapped, he began to scream, grabbing Sabito by the collar. "The demons! They took them!"

Nearby townsfolk rushed over, pulling the man away from Sabito. and trying to calm the man down. "Hold him steady!" one of them shouted as they restrained the panicked man.

"Don't pay attention to him, kid," one of the men advised, his voice weary. Sabito, with a look of pity, asked "What happened to him?"

The man sighed heavily. "His wife and children disappeared about a week ago. He searched the forest day and night, hoping to find them. Yesterday, he came back like this talking about demons. Some folks think he's lost his mind, that his family just left him, and he can't accept it."

Hearing the man's story, Giyu's expression darkened with displeasure. The man's experience was painfully similar to what Giyu had gone through in his past life, when his own sister was killed by a demon. He, too, had tried to warn people, only to be dismissed as crazy.


As the day ended, the town grew quieter. The sun disappeared below the horizon, casting long shadows across the town. Most of the townspeople had retreated into their homes, drawing their curtains tight. Despite the warnings, many dismissed the crazed man's ravings as delusions but that didn't mean the story didn't scare them a little, enough to be worry of the night.

But as darkness fell, the man himself remained on the streets, wandering aimlessly, once in a while he muttered to himself. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared behind him, its silhouette grotesque and menacing. The creature's body was covered in spikes that jutted out at odd angles, giving it a twisted, unnatural appearance. 

The demon's voice dripping with mockery standing a few meters away from the man. "You fool. I gave you a chance to leave since the sun was almost up, but here you are, still clinging to this town. Why didn't you run when you had the chance?"

The man's eyes widened in terror as recognition dawned. "It's you... You killed them!" His voice cracked with anguish as memories flooded his mind. He had spent days searching for them, only to find their remains half-eaten in the forest, the demon's spiked figure looming over them. He had attacked the creature in a blind rage, but was easily overpowered and left unconscious in the woods.

The demon chuckled darkly. "Let me reunite you with them," it sneered, raising its hand. A spike extended from its palm, shooting forward with killing intent.

But before the spike could reach its target, a figure suddenly appeared between the two, blocking the attack. Giyu stood before the man, his face hidden behind the fox mask he had worn during training.

The demon's grin faltered as it recognized the uniform of the Demon Slayer Corps. "A Slayer?" it growled, but its words were cut short as it sensed another presence above him. He moved just in time to avoid a blade that sliced through the air where its neck had been moments before.

"Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash!" Makomo's voice rang out as her sword narrowly missed decapitating the demon, leaving only a shallow cut on the back of its neck as Makomo landed a small distance away.

Snarling in anger, the demon staggered back, its spikes extending further from its body. "Die!" it screamed, launching the spikes in all directions. Makomo leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectiles, but one caught her leg, leaving a small cut.

As Makomo began to fall back to the ground, Giyu sprang into action, helping her land safely. The demon smirked, thinking it had the upper hand, but then noticed Giyu's eyes shifting to something behind him. The demon barely had time to turn before it felt the cold steel of a blade severing its neck. Its head rolled to the ground, its final sight that of Sabito, his fox mask hiding any expression.

As the demon's body disintegrated into ash, Sabito rushed to Makomo's side, with a worry expresion across his face as he removed his mask. "Makomo, are you alright?" he asked, his voice thick concerned.

Makomo nodded, brushing off the injury as minor. "I'm fine. His attack just caught me off guard, that's all."

Giyu watched the interaction with a small smile, relieved to see how much fis friends cared for each other. He then took out a bandage and showed Sabito how to properly wrap Makomo's wound, making sure it was secure.

As they finished tending to Makomo's wound, the sound of flapping wings drew their attention. Sabito's crow landed nearby, its beady eyes glinting in the moonlight. "Time to rest! Awaa, sleep sleep nowww! Follow me to a safe place!" it cawed, leading the way to a nearby safe house, the trio following closely behind.