23 12th form Vivid Splash Burst

Tengen slashed forward, his two massive swords cutting through the air in a blur, aimed directly at Tomioka's figure in front of him. As the blades closed in, Tengen hesitated for a split second, his instincts warning him not to harm his fellow Slayer. However, he pushed aside his reluctance and swung with full force.


To his astonishment, his swords passed through Giyu, whose body seemed to dissolve into a ghostly, watery form. Tengen felt as if his blades had struck a water wave, not a solid body.

A few steps behind Tengen, Giyu stood motionless, his focus razor-sharp. His breathing was so quiet it barely stirred the air around him, his presence, nearly imperceptible, was a surprise even for someone like Tengen, a former shinobi used to detecting the slightest movement. Giyu landed so quietly, almost blended into the surroundings, a ghost in plain sight.

In the weeks leading up to this moment, Giyu had come to a vital realization: no matter how much he trained, he couldn't match the sheer explosive power that Tengen's legs possessed. Tengen's muscular build and longer legs naturally gave him the advantage. Giyu had considered using the Slayer Mark to close this gap, but he knew he won't be able to improve this way, relying on it too often would also completely exhaust him. He needed a different approach, one that played to his strengths rather than directly competing with Tengen's.

Instead of aiming for Tengen's constant bursts of speed, Giyu refined a technique to channel that same explosive energy—but in controlled, short bursts. With precise timing, he could launch himself forward with incredible force, moving so fast that it would be impossible for most opponents to keep up.

The drawback was that anyone attempting such a movement would likely lose control of their legs or collapse under the strain and this technique required a solid foothold. But Giyu had figured out how to land keeping his balance intact even after such a powerful motion, similar to the Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent, by adjusting his posture and his footwork mid-air in a way that minimizes the landing time, Giyu could control his momentum and maintain the flow of battle without losing his footing. 

His legs trembled slightly as he landed, but he judged that unless he used the technique more than twice in quick succession, he'd be fine. Giyu turned to Tengen, whose grin stretched as wide as ever. Tengen's eyes gleamed with pride as they made eye contact. "Such a technique shouldn't go without a flashy name," Tengen declared. "What do you think?"

Giyu nodded, a faint smile forming on his usually stoic face. "It's thanks to you that I was able to create it. I'd like you to be the one to name it."

Tengen closed his eyes thoughtfully, pleased by Giyu's acknowledgment of his guidance. "I can't take much credit for this move," he admitted. "It's far from my usual style, and you've molded it into something entirely your own."

"Your body bursts with dazzling speed, when I finally reach you, it's like you've become water, your real body already far gone from my view. The landing is gentle, leaving you ready to strike or defend but also not giving away your new position. It's a perfect fit for a new form of Water Breathing!" Tengen nodded to himself "How about… Flashy Vivid Splash Burst Lord!"

Giyu's expression went blank, uncertain of what to make of the name. "I'd prefer something shorter," he replied cautiously. "Vivid Splash Burst should be more than enough."

Tengen nodded, crossing his arms. "Indeed, that fits too!"

(Author's note: I may change the name of the 12th Form later. If you have any suggestions for a better name, please let me know in the comments!)


Inside one of the grand estates of the Ubuyashiki family, Sabito sat cross-legged on the floor, his posture reflecting both respect and anticipation. Before him was Kagaya Ubuyashiki, whose calm and gentle voice filled the room with an almost tangible warmth. "I apologize for summoning you all the way back here, my child," Ubuyashiki said, his tone serene and reassuring.

Sabito responded immediately, his head bowed slightly in respect. "Not at all, Master. It's an honor to be in your presence."

Ubuyashiki offered a soft, knowing smile. "Then I won't waste your time and get straight to the point. This meeting concerns your position, Sabito." He paused, allowing Sabito to raise his head and meet his gaze. "Your achievements thus far have proven that you are more than capable of becoming a Hashira. As you might know, the current Water Hashira is Giyu Tomioka, your friend."

Sabito's eyes widened in surprise, and he hurried to respond. "Master, please don't think of replacing Tomioka with me. He is far more capable than I am."

"That is not my intention, my child," Ubuyashiki responded gently. "Although it has never been heard of before, I believe we could make an exception and appoint two Water Hashiras at the same time."

Sabito shook his head, his expression conflicted. "I'm sorry, Master, but I cannot accept this," he said earnestly. "While it would be my honor to become a Water Hashira, the difference in skill between myself and the current one is too great. I believe sharing the same title as Tomioka would not be fair to him or to myself."

Ubuyashiki remained silent for a moment, his face thoughtful before it softened into a warm smile. "If that is what you wish, then I will not force this upon you. I apologize for not being able to offer more in recognition of your service."

"Please don't apologize, Master," Sabito replied quickly. "You have already provided everything I could ever need. Protecting others from demons is my own desire, and it is I who should thank you for making it possible."

Ubuyashiki and Sabito both smiled. While Ubuyashiki's smile reflected his pleasure in knowing Sabito was someone so genuine, Sabito's smile was marked by his deep trust in his friend. Although he felt he wasn't deserving of the title of Water Hashira while Tomioka was present, Sabito beamed with pride for his friend, his heart completely devoid of jealousy.