38 Calm before the storm. (1)

On the pure white slopes of Mount Kumotori, the air was crisp and biting, with the silence broken only by the soft, steady descent of snowflakes. The landscape, blanketed in a thick layer of snow, held a calming atmosphere, if one could ignore the felling of the cold wind sweeping across the mountain.

"Huu…" Giyu Tomioka exhaled, a puff of warm breath becoming visible in the frigid air. His nose was tinged red from the cold, yet he didn't seem to be affected by the harsh conditions.

Time had passed, Giyu had seen everything move in the right direction. The Hashiras had grown in numbers and strenght, everyone had taken the role they were suposed to play. 

Tomioka was now nineteen... again. He had already been forced to become strong early due to his past experiences, and the passage of time had only sharpened his skills, Tomioka had long stopped thinking of himself as unworthy.

He hadn't become ignorant or prideful, but he had gained some confidence after finally paying his role. He was able to protect others like they used to protect him, there was still a lot to do but Tomioka was confident he had taken the right path

He walked forward, deep in thought, the biting wind a dull sensation against his skin. The warmth of earlier seasons had long since vanished, replaced by the relentless cold of winter. Despite the chill, Giyu's mind wandered to the future as his steady steps broke through the snow beneath him.

It wasn't long before he noticed smoke rising in the distance. His sharp eyes spotted a small village nestled among the trees below the hill. His cold, calculating gaze lingered on the sight before he began his descent. He was getting close.

With his crimson haori fluttering behind him, he advanced steadily toward the village, the cold air nipping at his face. His Nichirin blade was sheathed at his side, and his movements were so light and effortless that his steps seemed to glide over the snow without making a sound. As he approached the village, he spotted a middle-aged man chopping wood, completely unaware of Giyu's presence.

Tomioka stopped a few steps behind the man. "Excuse me," Giyu said calmly, breaking the silence.

The man, startled by the sudden voice, reacted instinctively, swinging the axe in his hand toward Giyu. In an instant, Giyu's arm shot forward, effortlessly gripping the man's wrist before the axe could come close. The man froze, his heart racing as cold sweat formed on his brow.

"A-ah," the man stammered, realizing his mistake. His eyes widened as they locked onto Giyu's cold blue gaze, his pulse quickening. The silence between them hung heavily in the air.

The man observed Tomioka, he barely looked twenty, long black hair with the tips a light blue, a dark blue mark spread on his cheek, standing around 5'10, there was an undeniable strength in his grip. Though the man hadn't swung the axe with his full strength and only moved by instinct, it was clear that Giyu was far stronger than he appeared. Under Giyu's firm grasp, the man felt powerless.

Giyu's expression remained unreadable as he loosened his grip, slowly releasing the man's wrist.

"I almost hit you… I apologize," the man said immediately, his voice shaky as he began to realize what he had done.

"No, I am at fault for startling you," Giyu replied, Admitting his mistake, something he found himself doing more often than he would have liked, his voice steady and calm, putting the man at ease. Despite the rude and dangerous action, the young man had taken no offense.

Scratching the back of his head awkwardly, the man gave a nervous laugh. "Well, you did sneak up on me…"

Giyu ignored the man's self-conscious apology and instead got straight to the point. "I have a question," he said, his voice turning serious.

It had been too long since Tomioka last visited the Kamado family's home, and the snow-covered paths didn't make it any easier. Giyu couldn't be certain of the exact location, but he knew it was somewhere around here. "I'm looking for a boy named Tanjiro—Tanjiro Kamado."

At the mention of the name, the atmosphere grew tense. The man's eyes narrowed, and his grip on the axe tightened once more. A few villagers, drawn by the commotion, peeked from their doors, their expressions wary as they overheard the unknown man asking for Tanjiro.

Tomioka's sudden appearance, especially with a blade on his belt, put everyone on edge. Tanjiro was well-loved in the village, and this unknown swordsman's inquiry set off alarms in their minds.

The man stood his ground, his tone betraying his true feelings. He was scared and wary, but he spoke with a firm voice. "Why are you looking for him?"

Giyu, unfazed by the people's glances, remained calm. He had no reason to lie or make the people feel uneasy "Tanjiro helped me in the past. I've come to repay a debt," he explained.

It was the truth. Tomioka had never stopped being grateful to Tanjiro, not only for being his friend but also for teaching him many things about life. The time he spent with the Kamado siblings after Muzan was killed only made him realize that Tanjiro had become like a brother to him.

His words seemed to ease the tension in the air, and the villagers' suspicions began to melt away. Some even sighed in relief, and the man with the axe allowed himself to relax, sweat still visible on his forehead, but he calmed himself down. There was no malice in Giyu's eyes, just an unwavering sense of duty.

"Repay a debt, huh?" The man spoke more softly now, his grip on the axe loosening. "Tanjiro lives with his family further up the mountain. If you take the left path out of the village and walk straight you'll reach their house before night. The kid's a good boy... just don't bring him any trouble."

Giyu nodded his thanks. "Thank you. I'll be on my way."

Without further conversation, Giyu resumed his journey. His determined gaze never wavered as he left the village behind, his mind focused on his task.

The wind howled as he made his way up the montain His hand unconsciously rested on the hilt of his sword, a familiar and comforting gesture. Giyu's thoughts were far from peaceful.

Only in a day or two, according to his past life's memories, the Kamado family was supposed to be slaughtered by a demon, and Nezuko would be turned into one.