43 The storm (4)

Tomioka bit down hard on his lip, the sharp taste of blood mixing with the pain as he tore a strip of fabric from his red haori. Using his mouth and left hand, he tightened the cloth around his bleeding arm, the pain almost unbearable. His breathing came in ragged gasps, but the desperate attempt to stop the bleeding had to suffice.

Across the clearing, Muzan's wounds had already healed. The battle was over, and the victor was clear.

Still, despite his exhaustion, Tomioka raised his blade with his remaining hand, his eyes burning with an indomitable will, though his body was on the verge of collapse.

A chuckle escaped Muzan's lips, growing into a cruel laugh. "AHAHAHA!" His laughter echoed through the trees before he suddenly appeared before Tomioka. "Is this a joke?" he sneered. With a flick of his wrist, Muzan sent a crushing force onto Tomioka's sword, flinging him violently through the forest.

Tomioka's body sailed through the air like a ragdoll, his grip on the sword faltering as his left arm failed to muster enough strength to resist. He crashed hard into the ground, blood trickling from his mouth, his head pounding. His vision blurred, and his muscles screamed in agony, yet somehow, he forced himself to keep standing.

Blood dripped down his face as he lifted his sword once more. Muzan's eyes glinted with amusement at the sight. A swift movement, another attack, and Tomioka was thrown again, this time slamming into a tree with enough force to snap the trunk in half. 

Tomioka collapsed to the ground, blood spraying from his mouth.

He couldn't get up anymore. His body refused to respond as he stared up at the darkened sky. 'It's over,' he thought, the taste of defeat bitter in his mouth. But at least, maybe the Kamado family can survive. The sun would rise very soon. Muzan, the coward, wouldn't stick around to face its rays.

His eyes began to close, the sound of footsteps crunching through the snow barely registering. Then, his heart stopped as another sound echoed.

"STOP!" A desperate scream echoed through the forest. Tomioka's eyes snapped open in horror. Takeo, face streaked with tears, hurled a rock at Muzan with all his might, the rock passed Muzan's head, he miss. The demon's gaze shifted toward the boy.

"Damn it..." Tomioka tried to move, his voice a weak rasp, but his limbs were useless. 'Why are you still here...they should have run!'

Next Nezuko came sprinting into view, placing herself protectively in front of her little brother. Both siblings looked terrified, their small bodies trembling in the cold. 

Tomioka's heart sank deeper. 'Run! You should have run!' His mind screamed, but his body was too broken to respond. Muzan barely spared him a glance as he moved toward the children. 

"DON'T!" Tomioka's voice cracked in desperation, and finally Muzan paused, a smirk curling on his lips. He turned back to Tomioka, eyes gleaming with malice.

"Ah... so kind, are you?" Muzan sneered, his voice venomous. He was far from satisfied, his earlier rage had yet to subside. And now, he had a far crueler idea in mind.

With horrifying speed, Muzan snatched Nezuko by the throat, dragging her toward Tomioka. Takeo, in a hopeless attempt, grabbed his sister by the leg, trying to pull her away from the monster.

But Muzan didn't have any of this. With a swift swing, he flicked Nezuko up and down, sending Takeo flying as he lost his grip on his sister. He landed face-first on the ground with a heavy thud, his body lying motionless on the snow.

Muzan then walked back toward Tomioka, as if nothing happened. Nezuko had a horrified expression as she tried to breath, her eyes fixed on her little brother, who wasn't moving.

Muzan stopped in front of Tomioka, his smile widening as his fingers pierced Nezuko's neck before dropping her to the ground.

'Ah!' Tomioka tried to scream, but only a strained gasp left his throat. Nezuko writhed in agony as blood spilled from the wound on her neck.

Muzan's grin was terrible. "You fought so hard to protect her. Made me wonder... how would you feel if the one you protected ends up devouring you?" His cruel voice sent chills down Tomioka's spine as Nezuko's body convulsed on the ground.

However, hearing the faintest whisper of daylight approaching, Muzan glanced toward the horizon. He still had time to burn some steam but wasn't willing to risk it.

Due to his severe wounds, Tomioka was as good as dead either way. The girl would finish the job and burn in the sun after. With one last satisfied smirk, he vanished into the forest, leaving the scene in chaos.

Tomioka's heart pounded in his chest. The situation had spiraled out of control. Nezuko was writhing in pain, her brother standing motionless on the snow. His vision blurred, but Tomioka could only think of how he had failed...

After what felt like an eternity, Nezuko's body stilled. Silence fell over the forest, but it was suffocating. Tomioka's chest tightened with dread. He had failed...

Nezuko's motionless body suddenly stirred, her rage igniting as her blood boiled within her veins. With a furious scream, she sprang to all fours, her movements primal and feral. In an instant, she lunged at Tomioka, her eyes blazing with a wild, demonic hunger.

Tomioka used his remaining strength to catch her by the neck, holding her back. "Nezuko!" he yelled, but her relentless assault continued. His arm trembled as he struggled to keep her at bay, his strength was fading. He couldn't hold her for much longer.

His eyes softened as he cried out one last plea "Nezuko... please..." His voice broke. "Don't become a demon like him!... Don't stain your hands with blood!"

Tears welled in Nezuko's eyes though her body didn't stop attacking and Tomioka's hand let out. 

Just then, when Tomioka thought everything was lost, a familiar voice cut through the chaos. "Nezuko!" Tanjiro appeared, grabbing his sister from behind and pulling her away from Tomioka.

"Nezuko! Calm down! What happened to you?!" he asked his sister, his voice full of panic.

Nezuko didn't answer, struggling against her brother's grip as they rolled through the snow. Tomioka watched through his fading vision, barely managing to push himself up. But to his surprise, Nezuko's movements began to slow. Her body shrank back to its normal size as Tanjiro tried to calm her down.

With one last push TOmioka stepped behind Nezuko and hit her behind the neck, her body lost strength as she collapsed to the ground before Tomioka did the same, collapsing to his knees.

Tanjiro turned his agitated gaze toward Tomioka, his eyes scanning the stranger, his missing arm, the blood pooling around him... The smell of blood was overwhelming, but Tanjiro could feel another scent, one much more disturbing, The one responsible for Nezuko turning this way.

"What happened?" Tanjiro demanded, his voice trembling with urgency as he faced Tomioka.

They met eyes for a moment before Giyu answered, his voice barely a whisper. "Your sister... was turned into a demon." Tanjiro's world seemed to stop.