I stared at Dexter in shock. It took me a long time to process this information.

I snatched the paper out of his hands and gasped…

I thought he had scribbled nonsense on it, but unexpectedly, it was the real answer.

"You've studied this before?" I asked in surprise. Shock aside, I was also in disbelief.

Wasn't he insane?

Dexter nodded. "This is simple."

Those words provoked me. This was impossible! Ever since I was young, I was always top of the class. When I went to college, my professors took great pride in me. Even though I wasn't a genius by any means, I was still an excellent student. How could Dexter be smarter than me?

"Have you seen the solution before?" Refusing to concede defeat, I continued writing more questions for him.

However, he quickly answered correctly.

Sometimes, he even wrote his answers while distracted because he would want to look at me from time to time.