I said, 'Genome Society is like wildflowers in the spring-they'll keep coming back no matter how much you destroy them. We might be able to destroy a laboratory or clear out a city, but we can't destroy all of them in all cities around the nation.

"Even if we manage to clear out the entire nation, there are still countless more hellholes in other countries throughout the entire Othard. Like spiders on a web, they're devouring every one of us who's living within it."

This was a world of the fittest-those at the top of the food chain would hold power over everyone else. They were just like lions on the savannah, cruelly toying with their prey.

Humans, however, followed a different set of rules. We might sit at the top of the food chain, but we also divided ourselves into hierarchies within our own species.

Money, power, health, youth, and sexual desires-we were merely hollow beings controlled by these things.