Chapter-4 : New Professors


As the new school year at Hogwarts approached, the castle buzzed with excitement and curiosity. Rumors had spread like wildfire about the new professors joining the staff, particularly the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, a position notorious for its revolving door of occupants. In the Great Hall, the returning students and faculty awaited the traditional Start-of-Term Feast, eager to meet the latest additions to the teaching staff.

The Headmistress, Professor McGonagall, stood up, signaling the start of the introductions. Her sharp gaze swept across the hall, silencing the whispers and bringing a sense of order.

"Welcome, everyone, to a new year at Hogwarts," she began, her voice carrying the weight of tradition and authority. "This year, we are pleased to introduce several new professors who will be joining us. Please give them a warm welcome as they are presented."

First to be introduced was Professor Elara Stone, a tall woman with a mane of curly auburn hair and an infectious smile. She had a background in magical archaeology and had been appointed to teach Ancient Runes. Her fascination with magical artifacts and ancient texts promised to bring a fresh perspective to the subject.

"Professor Stone has spent years exploring the ruins of ancient magical civilizations," McGonagall announced. "Her discoveries have greatly enriched our understanding of early magical practices. We are fortunate to have her join our faculty."

Elara nodded to the students and faculty, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "I'm thrilled to be here and look forward to exploring the mysteries of the past with all of you."

Next was Professor Thaddeus Brine, a portly wizard with a neatly trimmed beard and a twinkle of humor in his eyes. He had been appointed as the new Care of Magical Creatures professor, filling the role while Hagrid was on a research sabbatical.

"Professor Brine has dedicated his life to studying marine magical creatures," McGonagall said. "His knowledge of these unique beings will undoubtedly enrich our understanding of the magical world's biodiversity."

Thaddeus gave a short bow, his voice warm and friendly. "I've brought a few friends from the deep sea for us to study this year. I hope you're all as excited as I am to meet them."

Finally, the moment everyone had been waiting for arrived. McGonagall introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Aurelia Blackwood. The hall fell silent as a tall, slender woman with long, raven-black hair and piercing green eyes stepped forward. She wore elegant robes of deep emerald, and there was an air of mystery about her that immediately captivated the room.

"Professor Blackwood comes to us with an impressive background in both theoretical and practical defense against dark magic," McGonagall announced, her tone indicating deep respect. "Her experience includes work with the Department of Mysteries and a distinguished career in magical law enforcement. We are confident she will bring a wealth of knowledge to our students."

Aurelia Blackwood inclined her head slightly, her expression calm and composed. When she spoke, her voice was smooth and resonant, carrying easily through the hall. "Thank you, Headmistress. It is an honor to join the Hogwarts faculty. I look forward to imparting not just skills but also the understanding that true strength lies in knowledge and courage."

There was something enigmatic about Professor Blackwood that set her apart. Her reputation as a former Unspeakable and her rumored involvement in covert operations against dark wizards had already sparked intrigue among the students. As she took her seat, whispers erupted throughout the hall, students speculating about her past and what her classes might entail.

After the introductions, the feast began, and the Great Hall was filled with the sounds of conversation and laughter. The new professors were soon surrounded by curious students eager to learn more about them. Elara Stone animatedly discussed her archaeological expeditions, while Thaddeus Brine shared stories of his encounters with sea serpents and kelpies.

However, it was Professor Blackwood who drew the most attention. Despite her composed demeanor, there was a palpable aura of mystery about her. Some students swore they had seen her duel dark wizards in the past, while others speculated about her time in the Department of Mysteries.

As the feast came to a close, Harry Potter, now a professor himself, approached Professor Blackwood, curious about the new colleague who had captured so much attention.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Professor Blackwood," he said, extending a hand. "It's always exciting to have new faces around."

Aurelia smiled, a hint of warmth breaking through her reserved exterior. "Thank you, Professor Potter. I've heard much about you and your contributions to the wizarding world. It's an honor to work alongside you."

They exchanged pleasantries, but Harry couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Aurelia Blackwood than met the eye. Her calm confidence and the subtle intensity in her gaze hinted at a depth of experience and knowledge that intrigued him.

As the students filed out of the hall, chattering excitedly about their new professors, Harry watched Aurelia Blackwood, wondering what secrets the new school year would reveal. One thing was certain: with the arrival of these new professors, especially the enigmatic Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, this year at Hogwarts promised to be one of discovery and adventure.