Chapter-14: Ancient Spells


The urgency of their mission had never been clearer. With the revelation that the Shadow Covenant sought to create a True Heir by harnessing the combined powers of the Founders, Harry, Hermione, and Ron knew they had to act swiftly. They decided to delve deeper into the ancient knowledge stored within Hogwarts, hoping to find anything that could help them thwart the Covenant's plans.

Hermione, ever the scholar, took the lead. She spent hours poring over dusty tomes and manuscripts in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library, her brow furrowed in concentration. Harry and Ron assisted as best they could, searching for any mention of spells, artifacts, or rituals connected to the Founders.

One afternoon, Hermione stumbled upon a particularly ancient and fragile book, its cover adorned with the Hogwarts crest and symbols representing each of the four Founders. The title, Magicae Antiquae: Founders' Spells and Enchantments, immediately caught her attention.

"Hermione, did you find something?" Harry asked, noticing the gleam in her eyes.

"Yes, I think so," she replied, her voice filled with excitement. "This book contains spells and enchantments created by the Founders themselves. Some of these could be the very powers the Shadow Covenant is trying to access."

They gathered around as Hermione carefully opened the book, its pages brittle with age. The text was written in an old, formal style, with intricate diagrams illustrating the spells. As they read through the entries, they found spells that ranged from powerful defensive wards to charms that enhanced certain magical abilities. But it was a particular set of spells that stood out to Hermione.

"Look at this," she said, pointing to a section titled Elementa Magistri—Mastery of the Elements. "These spells were designed by the Founders to control the elements—fire, water, earth, and air. Each Founder specialized in one element, using their mastery to protect and enhance the castle."

Ron looked intrigued. "So, Gryffindor with fire, Ravenclaw with air, Hufflepuff with earth, and Slytherin with water?"

"Exactly," Hermione confirmed. "But these aren't just ordinary spells. They're incredibly powerful and require a deep connection with the Founders' magic to perform. The spells were meant to be used in times of great need, to safeguard the castle and its inhabitants."

Harry nodded, understanding the implications. "If the Covenant's leader can harness these spells, they could gain control over these elements. That would make them incredibly powerful."

Hermione continued to read, her expression growing more serious. "There's more. It says here that the Founders also created a series of binding spells—spells designed to combine their powers for a specific purpose. These spells were so potent that they required the consent and participation of all four Founders or their chosen representatives."

"That must be what the Covenant is after," Harry speculated. "If they can perform these binding spells, they could unite the Founders' powers and become the True Heir."

Hermione nodded, her eyes scanning the text for more information. "There's also a mention of a protective enchantment, a final safeguard left by the Founders. It's called Sanctum Aeternum—Eternal Sanctuary. It was meant to protect the castle in case of an existential threat. But the details are incomplete; it seems the spell's exact nature and requirements were deliberately obscured."

Ron frowned. "So, even if the Covenant gets their hands on these spells, they might not be able to use them without all the right pieces. That gives us a bit of an edge."

"Yes," Hermione agreed, "but we need to act quickly. If we can find the missing parts of these spells or understand how to activate the Sanctum Aeternum, we might be able to prevent the Covenant from completing their plans."

The trio felt a renewed sense of purpose. Armed with this ancient knowledge, they had a chance to counter the Covenant's plans. However, the spells were complex, requiring not just magical skill but a deep connection with the values and essences of the Founders.

"We need to find out more about these spells and the Heirs," Harry said, determination in his voice. "If the Covenant is trying to force themselves into becoming the True Heir, we need to make sure the real Heirs are ready to protect Hogwarts."

With their path set, they decided to seek guidance from Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. The ancient spells Hermione had uncovered were a crucial piece of the puzzle, but they needed more information and allies to fully understand and counter the Covenant's strategy.

As they left the library, Harry felt a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The Founders' magic was powerful, and its secrets were slowly being revealed. But with each new discovery came greater risks. The Shadow Covenant was relentless, and the stakes had never been higher.

Their quest was far from over, but they were not alone. The legacy of the Founders was more than just ancient spells and artifacts; it was a testament to the enduring strength and courage that defined Hogwarts. And Harry, Hermione, and Ron were determined to honor that legacy, no